Friday, August 20, 2021

The Friday Five Good Things

The perfect card I found for Himself  

Five good things that happened this week.

1. We had dinner at our Niece's (Himself's side of the family) and her Boyfriend's new home. We sort of invited ourselves over by offering the hot peppers from the garden. Himself's Brother and and Wife joined the party. We had such a nice time in their glorious home.

2. Himself had Farmer's Daughter Garden Shop bucks in his pocket so we took a trip to the garden center

3. My cousin called and we had a nice, long chat

4. Received happy mail postcard from Anne to celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day 

5. Celebrated our anniversary with a dinner at UxLocale, our favorite, special occasion restaurant.

How was your week?


  1. You had a fantastic week from the sounds of it CJ. Sounds like it was fun to see lots of people. Love that fun card you found for your husband. I had a good week but not so exciting. Visited my mom which was nice but boy do I hate 495, had a lot of art time, and did have a nice lunch out with the hubby. Hope you didn't get too much rain and have a dry Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's a good thing you didn't visit your mom on Thurs. as there was a tornado in Clinton. My area had a tornado warning in the morning, but it passed us by. We got about 3 or so inches of rain and there was lots of flooding. I hate driving 495 a desolate road and so fast.

  2. Sounds like a fun filled week. My week wasn't so exciting, but I'm having a lovely rest day today. Valerie

  3. Great minds think alike! I gave Husband that exact same card for OUR anniversary this year! LOL ;)

  4. Your week sounds nice! Mine was okay - cooled off a lot so I have been outside more than in ..that's the way I like it...
    happy anniversary.

    1. Nice that you've been able to get outside more.

  5. So nice to read you have that with your Niece. I only had the answering machine when I wanted to say Happy Birthday an hour ago - no call back. Fight with her Dad should not affect her.
    Had the worst chat prior with my Brother. He hung up. Without saying good-bye.
    Not a good week, but happy anniversary to you :-)

    1. Brothers! Can't live with them. Can't kill them. 😺 I hope you patch things up with your brother soon.

  6. Sorry to be so late visiting. On Friday, I was without power for over 16 hours. I am hugging my AC about now after suffering 100+ F heat for a full day!

    Again, happy anniversary. Sounds like you partied all week long. Your week was better than mine, but I'm not complaining now that I have electricity and AC!!

    1. If the electricity goes out during the storm, I will be in your flip flops. The temps. aren't as high, but it is very muggy and humid out.

  7. Happy Anniversary! May many more joyful years be yours :)

  8. Sounds a good week, and I like that card.

    All the best Jan

  9. I love the card!! A great week CJ! Big Hugs!
