Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Doodling for Stress Reduction


On Mondays via Zoom, I participate in a class where we spend  a half an hour doodling our stress away.  

A new year, I decided I don't want to be buried in paper so for the Doodle class, I'm doodling digitally using the app Concepts on the iPad. I'm using the free version as I haven't figure out all the ins and outs yet. I hope to do that as the class progresses.

We were instructed to make a grid for this doodle and then fill in the boxes as we pleased.


  1. They look like very tempting pastries!

  2. sampler candy box in time for hearts day o loves ‼️‼️💚💙🐟

  3. I thought the same thing, Jabblog! It looks like a tempting bakery window display! (I especially like the smiley cookies!)

    1. Fun. No defined image was in my head at the time

  4. Even if you haven't figured out the ins and outs of the app yet, I like the freestyle look of your page. Are you ready for snow tomorrow? I'm not. We're going to have too much on the ground and no warm up in sight.

    1. Nope not ready for this storm or the large storm predicted for the weekend. An today mark's the anniversary of the 1978 Blizzard.

  5. Nice doodles. I constantly doodle especially when on the phone. I didn't realize the reason for always doodling boxes when the kids were teenagers. I filled up pages while talking on the phone with my sister or a friend. It wasn't until they grew up and I stopped doodling boxes that I figured i felt boxed in while working at home on med transcription and raising teenagers.

  6. Yep, I thought of cookies in an instant, too! Dunno if I could doodle digitally?

  7. ... some could be sweets/candy?

    All the best Jan
