Tuesday, February 4, 2025

T Stands for Tea Sampler


Calli decided to join Wally the Green Monster, the mascot for the Boston Red Sox (baseball) for another tea from the Harney and Sons sampler. 

This time is was a Decaffeinated Ceylon tea. I found this tea with my usual Silk Sweet and Creamy creamer to be very smooth and mild.

Wally seemed to enjoy the tea though Calli was not impressed.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. Every time I hear Red Sox, I think of Cheers! We watch it when we want to laugh.

  2. I see the Red Sox truck left yesterday for Fort Meyers, so that means spring is definitely on the horizon. I only hope the horizon isn't too far off. Calli does not look amused. Maybe she was hoping for a fishy or liver smelling drink-ha ha. Have a great T day and stay warm tonight.

  3. Oh gosh. Calli is beautiful.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  4. Oh my, Calli is so beautiful - adorable ❤️. I'd happily join you for a decaf Ceylon cuppa and I'll take mine black please 😊. Sorry for not visiting last month, we've just got back from Tenerife; I hope you had a wonderful January! Happy February and T Day ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

    1. I enjoyed the journal page you created from your trip.

  5. Calli is so cute!
    And, yes: It´s Tea-time - have a happy T-Day!

  6. Calli is very cute, but definitely not impressed with the tea. Tuna water might be more to her/his taste. Happy T day!

    1. Yeah, she might like tuna water better. She sniffed the tea and actually turned her nose up at it

  7. You are nice to share with the little mascot.

  8. Happy T Day.

    All the best Jan

    PS I too think Calli is cute :)

  9. Precious picture! The tea sounds good. Fun post.

    Happy T-day, CJ. Hugz

  10. Yesterday I scratched my retina and was unable to see out of either eye because they both teared up.

    Calli is adorable, but doesn't seem too impressed with your tea. That mug of tea looks good for T this week, though. Thanks for sharing, dear CJ.

    1. Yup, Calli wanted no part of the tea. I think she called it "stinky water"

  11. Oh Calli is absolutely gorgeous. What is the name Calli short for? (If anything)
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. After my beloved, black cat, Ink, the naming convention for any future cats was art supplies. Quill had a marking on his flank that looked like a feather. His name was easy. I couldn't think of a name for Calli. The Young One suggested Calli as short for Calligraphy

  12. Sweet kitty Calli. Precious photo. Happy belated T day.
