Sunday, February 9, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I trudged through a couple of inches of snow to drag the trash and recycle bins to the street

Samwise had a difficult time moving. Either he wasn't charged properly or the controller wasn't charged so  I gave Samwise a new nickname: Boat Anchor

Another meticulously, artisan, hand-crafted driveway by Ma-bo

Garden flag of the month

Another storm this week that fizzled. A couple of inches of snow that instead of turning to rain turned to sleet. The little bit of snow has a crusty layer of ice on top.

While Himself was working with Samwise, Ma-bo shoveled the lower stairs. Unless Samwise grows legs or figures out how to levitate, stairs will have to be shoveled by hand.

These stairs didn't have to be shoveled at all. These stairs are electrified (one of the best home improvements we did) Someone left these $tair$ running all day and night so they are perfectly dry. The electricity bill took a huge hit as the stairs eat a lot of electricity.

Contrail with moon. I wasn't fast enough to get the low flying planet that passed to the right of the moon.

Samwise with the plow attachment finally earning his keep.

Not a bad job though there were areas that Samwise needed an assist from Ma-bo.

While sitting in the front porch, Himself was able to control the robot.

Who's a good boy?

Under a tarp, Samwise waits for the next storm

How does your garden grow?


  1. That looks like a lot of hard work, for human and machine.

    1. It is especially when we get over 6 inches of snow. These two storms weren't much. Just a PITA

  2. It looks like we had more snow than you the other day. How about this morning? I have had enough of these every other day snows. Hope you don't have to shovel today because everything is charged up.

    1. I haven't gone out to measure. I will have to shovel the stairs and will have to help Samwise as there are areas on the driveway he can't quite reach.

  3. I feel like you've had more snow this winter than the last few years. Glad Samwise is operating again.

    You'll be pleased or annoyed to hear that we dodged both ice storms that were forecast. Lots of fog, though.

    1. Yeah, we got lucky the past couple of years and it finally caught up with these every other day storms. I am glad you didn't get the ice storms. The Young One lives in Columbus so I could breathe a sigh of relief that everything there is okay

  4. I don't know....seems like Samwise is more trouble than help....🤷

  5. OK, I´ll stop whining now (yet my hands are icy-cold!)...

  6. Glad to hear Samwise is helping you guys out this Winter... even if you have to help him out a little... Yesterday the high was 92F today the high is 48F and right now its a COLD 41F . Brrr.... After a week of near 90F , 40's feel particularly cold for some reason... lol They are giving us some rain chances during the upcoming week... fingers crossed .. we need it......Hugs! deb

  7. You are so innovative. I did not know about electric steps or a robotic snow shoveler. I send heart felt condolences on the white stuff.

    1. After sliding down the stairs several mornings on his way to school because the front of the house faces North and the stairs see very little sun, Himself researched the electrified stairs. We've had them a good 20 years. One of the best improvements we made.

  8. I don't like having to drive in the snow, BUT the sleet and freezing rain we have been having terrifies me! And we are supposed to get a lo more this coming week!!! UGH!

    Stay safe!!!

    - Kim

  9. Oh that snow! It looks a lot to me ...
    I do like the Valentines Flag, so colourful.

    Keep warm.

    All the best Jan

  10. Love Samwise! Very cool! :D Need to write a how does your garden grow post. Here it is very cold, so the winter veggies don't have a snow cap, but struggle with the low temps.
