Sunday, February 16, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last weekend's storm brought about 3.75 inches of snow

It was heavy with slush

There was lots of low flying planes this weekend. Circling Worcester Airport or heading to Boston's Logan Airport. Going in the wrong direction for any place warm.

On top of the snow, there was a glaze of ice

Under the snow on the driveway, was an ice skating rink. The slush choked the chute of Samwise, the Boat Anchor's snow blower attachment. Ma-Bo was able to clear 1/4 of the driveway so that the Eldest would be able to make it into the driveway after her shift at the hospital.

The slush was a little too much for Samwise, too, as it kept getting stuck even with the plow attachment. He kept yelling Emergency stop when I pressed the Stop button and he screamed Collision Alert, Collision Alert as I Ma--handled the front to get him unstuck. In between speaking in tongues, I wondered if the actual problem was behind the controller.

We seemed to have some weather every other or third day. It was nice to see a beautiful sunset. Red sky at night Ma-Bo's delight.

A gorgeous, almost full moon, but the halo around it made my heart sink. 

In Winter a ring around the moon means snow soon.

A little visitor stopped by after the Eldest got hom.

Ma-Bo cleared the luge run.

And three days later, it's snowing again

How does your garden grow?


  1. Oh this winter is a killer. Are you getting any snow or just freezing rain? We'll be changing over to freezing rain soon according to the maps. Stay safe. And I hope you don't lose power.

    1. We got some snow, I'm not sure how much as I haven't measured it yet. We've been getting freezing rain since early this morning. I supposed this Winter is payback for mild Winters the past couple of years

  2. Brrr....sure don't miss it! I remember one winter we had 19 snowstorms! Guess who had shoveling duty???? (Husband was temporarily transferred elsewhere that winter....)

    1. It's mine now because Himself has difficulty walking

  3. Snowing here as I type - 1 to 3 inches expected, at least it's happening on a Sunday and not during the morning commute

    1. I'm glad this storm happened on the weekend and the Eldest didn't have to work at the hospital this weekend.

  4. Oh we are definitely spoiled... snow is a rare occurrence and usually melts by the end of the day or next... Even the years in AR we didn't have it bad.. Now the 3 years in Germany.. it snowed alot.. infact someone toldest it was the snowiest three years they'd had in a while. We were thrilled ofcourse but i'm sure thats partly because we lived in an apartment and didn't have to shovel... :)

    Is Samwise helping you at all or has it just been an exercise in frustration?? Hugs! deb

    1. The heavy, wet snow is too much for Samwise to handle. Hopefully, he'll be able to manage mowing the lawn and leaf blowing better.

  5. Here cold will hit. Get everything that might freeze inside... I wish for April. Maybe March even. August is the crown of summer (hopefully).

    1. March and April, here, are cold and wet months. A lot like Winter just not as much snow.

  6. I wonder who the visitor was? We, like you, are getting basically the same weather. Snow turned to rain this weekend and more snow to come this week!! Bad winds, too with power outages! UGH!!

    - Kim

    1. The wind is howling. Fortunately electricity is holding. I hope you don't have any power outages

  7. Too much snow! Definitely too much snow!
    Roll-on Spring.

    All the best Jan

  8. Ugh on those photos, and trying to clear it. The pattern does seem to be every 3 days. Is it Spring yet? :-(
