The cemetery where Himself's parents is buried doesn't allow flowers or shrubs to be planted by the headstone. The maintenance staff wants to be able to mow without hindrance. Plants that are left are thrown away after a week so the cemetery doesn't look unsightly. Many families have had planters made to fit the top of the stone. Some plant real flowers. Others have artificial.
Himself had metal rings made that attach to the side of the stone and will hold a 6" pot. He doesn't always get to the cemetery to water the flowers and if the plants look dead, they are tossed by maintenance.
While browsing through Wallyworld, Himself saw artificial wreaths. The flowers were stuck to a Styrofoam form. Himself worried that the rain would disintegrate the Styrofoam. I told him I could make a wreath, and we took a trip to Michael's where Himself picked out flowers. He wanted the wreath made in time for Father's Day.
The flowers were wired to a grapevine wreath. Hopefully, the wreath will be able to stand up to the weather. It will hang from a Shepherd's hook.
Lovely. That will look very nice.