Tuesday, May 30, 2023

T Stands for Perkins Cove

Perkins Cove is a small fishing village, artist colony, and the anchor at the other end of the Marginal Way. The Marginal Way is the ocean cliff walk that goes from Ogunquit to Perkins Cove. 

Teague has a friend who lives nearby and offered the use of her driveway to park the car and then take a short walk to Perkins Cove. Good thing she offered as there were no parking spaces left.

Along the way a charming display of tulips, daffodils, and hyacinth.

Lobster boats

Perkins Cove looks like many New England beach towns. The streets are lined with weathered shops selling art, jewelry, tee shirts, hats, and candy. It was very early in the season when we visited so it wasn't crowded.

Before lunch, we decided to walk the Marginal Way from Perkins Cove to Ogunquit.

Are you looking at me?

Looking back towards Perkins Cove.

Looking forward towards Ogunquit

After working up an appetite, we decided to have lunch at the Oarweed. The restaurant was doing a pretty good business and all the outside tables were filled. We were shown a nice table inside by a window.

I had my usual ice tea with lemon. I ordered crab cakes and a salad, but was having too nice a time with Teague, I forgot to take a picture of lunch!

We saw this stonewall on the walk back. Evidently during the Pandemic, people painted rocks and left them on the wall. Many of them had uplifting messages like "Be the Light".

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. You definitely had a nice trip on your weekend away. And nice weather. It looks like you luck out for parking too. I hope you have a super T day, and I bet you're waiting for the heat to return later this week. hugs-Erika

    1. Teague's friend letting us park in her driveway was a blessing.

  2. I think I also forgot to say Happy T day too. :)

    1. 😺And I am waiting for the heat later this week.

  3. I have loved taking those cliff-side walks along a shore on either coast, along the Great Lakes, or anywhere I can find them, even Hawaii. This looks like a fabulous one, especially as there's a nice meal at one end.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. From one end to the other is about 1.5 miles. There are nice meals at both ends

  4. Lovely post looks like a wonderful spot to spend the day and explore. food sounds delicious too-Happy T

    1. It's a lovely town. Very easy to walk around which is nice.

  5. You really packed a lot into your weekend away, thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Happy T Day, Valerie

    1. Sometimes the runaway trips have to last awhile so we do as much as we can

  6. That makes a fun walk. Scenic. And like nothing we see here. What a fun outing! Happy T Tuesday

  7. To flowers!
    I never knew there were lobster boats.
    Having fun with a friend is more important than taking pics :-)
    But I would´ve loved to see such a weathered house....
    Have a happy T-day!

    1. The lobster boats go out every morning to check the lobster traps and or set new traps. Then they come in with their fresh catch to sell right to the restaurants

  8. What a beautiful walk! How fab that you got a parking space! I love coastal paths. There are coastal paths all around the UK and I have walked many of them. The Spaniards are not so good but there is a fab boardwalk type path from Marbella to nearly Malaga and I will be walking some of that this Saturday. Let's hope we get good weather.
    I'm now going to look up on the map where you were.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. I hope you get nice weather for you walk. Take pictures!

  9. This area looks absolutely amazing. So glad you got to visit.

    1. The Southern Maine beach towns are really wonderful places

  10. What a lovely place, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. What a beautiful place to visit. I have always thought that living near the water would be the perfect place to retire...looks like vacation year round. Glad you had an enjoyable outing at such a pretty place.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Teague and I have talked about retiring near the ocean. The sad part is, the cost of living is very high at these places. I'm hoping Himself wins the lottery and then maybe it would be doable 😺

  12. We did the Cliff walk at Newport, Rhode Island, and felt like billy goats on part of it! We didn't do one in Maine. I am always so envious when I read about your trips over to Maine. Why didn't you have lobster rolls? I wish we could go visit our son again there. It was such a beautiful trip. Happy t Day.

    1. I did have a lobster roll, just not at the Oarweed. 😺

  13. I'm in meltdown mode, dear CJ. I was making an egg sandwich and suddenly realized my refrigerator/freezer wasn't working. I've spent most of my time this afternoon and evening looking for a new one. I found one online and it was in stock, BUT they can't deliver it until next Wednesday or Thursday because they can only make so many deliveries in a day. There were huge sales over the holiday, so first come first delivered. I completely forgot about Memorial Day sales (DUH).

    Perkins Cove reminds me of a quaint sea town where Jessica Fletcher might visit. I would NOT want to walk on those rocks. I might lose my balance and have both hands /arms sprained.

    Nice view of the restaurant and decent prices, too. Your iced tea was almost hidden because it was nearly the same color as the tables. Thanks for taking us to Perkins Cove and the Oarweed for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

    1. Ugh, appliance shopping can be the pits. I hope there are cancellations so you get yours sooner

  14. What a lovely place! I would love to go there. Glad you had a parking hook up and a lovely time Teague. GREAT post. Happy T-day and hugz

    1. An in with the parking was just the best as the parking is expensive

  15. This fishing village is beautiful and looks calm and spacious too. I like to walk along such streets instead of busy streets. It seems that you have a great trip to this place...Thanks for sharing all these photos...
    Happy T-Day

    1. The Memorial Holiday last weekend marks the beginning of the Summer season. It will be very busy at the beach towns as people flock to the shores.

  16. Perkins Cove looks lovely, I think I would like to wander around there too. Sorry I'm late, having commenting problems with blogger.
    Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Perkins Cove is the perfect spot for a bimble
