Sunday, June 18, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Himself' twig has really grown. We thought it was a chokecherry tree, but it's really an Ash. Looks like something has gotten at it. I wonder if we're in another Gypsy Moth infestation. Gypsy Moth's destroyed lots of trees when we first moved here 37 years ago.

Call is more interested in something else than Tiny Clover bunny. Can you spot the bunny?

A delicious crop of lettuce

Ink's Garden in the pouring rain

Water-logged petunias

Erich, the butler is a new addition to the garden. The tray he carried broke and with Himself's massage chair in the livingroom, there wasn't a spot for Erich. I didn't want to toss him out just yet. I thought he could hold a flower pot. Himself glued the pot to Erich's hand and planted some pink flowers in the pot. I think Erich makes a nice addition to the Zensical garden.

How does your garden grow?


  1. UGG! Gypsy moths....I remember that infestation when we were living up north! There were sooooo many caterpillars they got in the house. They were everywhere! My mother woke up with hundreds of them in bed with her! 😲

    1. 😱that would cause me to sing the high pitched notes and to do the little, accompanying dance.

  2. I like Erich as an addition to your garden. He adds a touch of class. And those gypsy moths are nuts. I remember in the late 70's or early 80's we had them in Worcester and you couldn't hang out clothes as they pooped all over them and they practically covered the driveway. Never mind the poor trees. Hope you see a bit of sun today.

  3. We have some flowers destroyed too :/

  4. I noticed Erich the Butler in the first photo you showed above. At first, I thought it was a robot.

  5. Yes, I remember the Gypsy moth problem. When I was in Junior High School, it was so bad in our area that our local authorities had to spray chemicals from helicopters in the air just to help get them under control!

  6. Love the butler and the bunny! Valerie

  7. I do like Erich the butler :)

    Al the best Jan

  8. The butler looks great standing there, lol.

  9. Your yard looks great. I've noticed plant leaves being eaten, too, but I'm not sure what is doing it. - Anne (Cornucopia)
