Sunday, May 26, 2019

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Some of the prep work before the house is to be painted, it was power-washed. The stairs got power-washed, too. They look brand new.

We had some beautiful weather. The humidity is on the rise and the Kleine Kerl is starting to come out of dem kleine Haus

A field of wishes

This side of the house has had the fascia board and soffit replaced with vinyl, the house has been painted (Benjamin Moore 838 Denim Wash), and the foundation has been painted grey. 

A new garden flag that will take care of Memorial Day (31. May though celebrated on the last Monday of May), Flag Day (14. June), and the Fourth of July.

I trimmed back the dead canes/stalks of the hydrangea. Last year, it only produced one small clump of flowers. Hopefully the trim will help. 

Some purple flowers growing in the lawn.

Ink's garden needs to be weeded. I was going to do this task today, but some spot showers might interrupt the work. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be spectacular. So I will work on a commision today and take Monday off to work in the garden.

White choral bells upon a slender stalk.
Lily of the Valley deck my garden walk.
Oh, don't you wish that you could hear them ring?
That will happen when the fairies sing. - Girl Scout camp song.

Milkweed growing tall

Lots of buds on the honeysuckle

Pluck the buttercup, hold it under your chin to see if you like butter.

The lawn guy had righted the post lantern, but heavy winds knocked it over again.

The welcome sign from now through the Fourth of July

Himself is having mobility issues so he had to rethink his approach to having his vegetable garden. He bought a horse trough from the tractor supply, set it on top of saw horses, filled with soil, and planted peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. He used the plant pokes I made for him a few years ago. Fencing and a screen will hopefully keep Timex away.  The best part is Himself can do all the garden care by from the inside of the sunroom.

How does your garden grow?


Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful series of photos. Your house is looking good. I like all of your patriotic flags for the three holidays. (I have my flag out, but no decor.) Your gardens look lovely. I like that gargoyle statue. I never heard that Lily of the Valley poem: it is great. Today is supposed to be a hot one here in CT, at 85 F. I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day tomorrow.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Love your new holiday flag and sign. WOW, you must have had very strong winds there lately!

Your garden pics, as usual, are lovely to see. Your power wash made a nice difference, too! Enjoy your Sunday!

robin cox walsh said...

Brilliant idea for the veggie 'garden'! Tell Himself I'm impressed! (We have 3 horse troughs on the lanai....they're empty now but they worked really well!) :)

CJ Kennedy said...

We're supposed to hit 80 oF too. If you were an old Girl Scout, you would have learned the Lily of the Valley song at camp. I think today,the girls sing the silly camp songs and not the pretty ones.

CJ Kennedy said...

I was surprised how well the power wash cleaned the concrete steps.

CJ Kennedy said...

I'll tell him. He's also working on a self-watering idea with a cotton wick (old towels) to prevent water from collecting in the bottom of the trough.

Valerie-Jael said...

Your house and garden are looking good. Nice, new flag, too, and the elevated garden is a great idea. The little 'Wetterhäuschen' is sweet. Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

I can tell it is more humid today. But I am glad as it is not too bad but finally feels like summer and Memorial Day should. Your steps and the house are looking great. It feels good to get things done outside, doesn't it? Enjoy the rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

I love watching the Wetterhäuschen

CJ Kennedy said...

It's a perfect day in the sun room.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I remember the first time I used my power washer on the driveway, I had a big streak and swipe of clean and lots of dirty (grin). Your steps look brand new from that power washing.

Smart use of that banner and the Welcome sign on your front door. My lilies of the valley didn't bloom this year. Could be they got too wet.

Lowcarb team member said...

I think your garden is looking lovely.
I enjoyed the 'girl scout camp song' and what a good idea about the raised garden bed.

All the best Jan

sandy said...

well my little railing garden is doing okay. Love all your photos and the house looks so clean and nice in that first pic.... summer will arrive for sure this week - it is trying just not quite there yet... but we are heading out soon ...

Divers and Sundry said...

Te trough idea is genius! A sunroom is a true blessing. All the benefits of being outside without the issues of the bad weather :) The house is lookin' good. And the garden is ready for warmer weather.