Monday, October 7, 2019


For me, participating in Inktober isn't about the likes or comments I get on my little drawings. Sure, it's nice to get accolades and to wear two cowboy hats because my head swells with compliments. What I really like is looking through all of the submissions to see how people using the same prompts interpret them.

10/03 Prompt: Bait

10/04 Prompt: Freeze

10/05 Prompt: Build
Barbie says, "Perspective is hard."

10/06 Prompt: Husky


  1. So cute, the husky is my favourite☺

  2. Very nice, all of them but I like the Tinker toy the best. :D

  3. Lovely drawings, the kitty and fish bowl is my fave today. Valerie

  4. your going to get 984 PAWZ UP for number one...bait....for more than one reason !! :) ♥♥♥

  5. I'm with you - I spend time at twitter and instagram also looking at what people create I have more fun doing that than posting my own stuff. Comments are great but I don't live for them. I live for hiking, nature and sometimes sketching when I get on a rolll, lol. Your drawings are cute -i especially love the cat and the fish bowl.

  6. Nice to see these.
    I think the cat and fish bowl is my favourite - so cute.

    All the best Jan

    1. My pick for this post, too. Ink being baited by the fish.

  7. I love them all, but the two fur babies in this group are adorable! Big Hugs!
