Friday, October 11, 2019

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. Grandmaster E sent us some of her fabulous Italian cookies as a treat

2. Both peace lilies are in bloom

3. After dropping the Young One off at the train station, we stopped to get gyros for lunch

4. Himself fixed the bookcase. Hopefully, the shelf will hold

5. I ran all my errands before the rains came.

How was your week?


  1. Sounds like you had another good week. This week has been rainy here in the Northeast, hasn't it? I'm still busy offline and haven't been able to visit you and others like I normally do. (And I'm behind on making Halloween artwork too.)

    1. Yup, Fall in New England. Rainy, and windy. Thankfully, not snow.

  2. Sounds like you had a nice week. Not as exciting as last week but it is not a bad thing to have a relaxing week. I am ready for one, but I will take the 3 day weekend. Smile. Happy start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hopefully, the weather will clear for the weekend.

  3. Sounds good. Yummy gyros! I had a plastic bottle of salad-cream explode in my fridge, made a big bang, the lid flew off, and I had to clean everything....Have a fun day, Valerie

  4. What a great week. And you thought you had a black thumb. Looks like both lilies really LIKE you, dear Princess.

  5. Forgot to mention that maybe it was all those black cats that caused the lilies to bloom.

    1. Maybe the peace lilies are hardier than most plants because I tend to forget to water them.

  6. Sounds like a great week! You've got so much done and lots of foodie treats, I love gyros - yum 😀. Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. We haven't had gyros in a long time so they were extra delicious

  7. Glad you had a fun week. It feels like winter is coming. Cold and windy here, no rain (yet), here's hoping.

    1. The sun was out so I'm hoping this storm is a fizzle

  8. It sounds like you had a nice and productive week. Have a great weekend, CJ!!! :)

    1. You have a good weekend, too. I hope you put up your Samhain tree

    2. Thank you! I plan to put up my Samhain tree for sure sometime this weekend! :)

  9. Your peace lilies look good.

    My week has gone well. I did have some mundane things to do but at least I got them done!
    However today, I met youngest son for lunch - that was good :)

    Have a great weekend, I think ours may be wet and windy … we shall see.

    All the best Jan

    PS Pleased the bookcase shelf is back up.

    1. Out to lunch with your son is sweet. Wet and windy weekend will be a good time to stay in and bake low carb goodies 😋

  10. well I have to google peace lilly ..not sure what they look like. I always enjoy reading your week. My week was worrying that our power would be shut off because of fires, sketching, doing less hiking/walking than usual because of the winds, spent one day seemingly talking to everyone in the family for some reason or another and found I couldn't sleep after all that talking- which happens to me when I get sensory overload - my life is usually so quiet. and that's about it except for food - i could talk about that a lot but I won't.

    1. The peace lily on the right in the picture is in full bloom. I hope the wins have died down, you didn’t lose power, and the fires are contained

  11. Italian cookies! Yummy!!! The peace lilies are beautiful! Big Hugs!
