Tuesday, October 29, 2019

T Stands for Hammond Castle - Part 2

A continuation of the tour of Hammond Castle. Still in the great hall.

Looking up to the 8,400 pipes of the pipe organ.

Looking into the covered courtyard.

The castle and grounds may be rented for a wedding or other private function.

Looking back through the great hall and the rose window

The rose window and the organ pipe

The covered courtyard contained tropical plants 

The pool was used for humidity control for the plants and as a swimming pool. And the drink reference for today is streaming water.

 Hammond had a nude statue of himself sculpted as a gift for his wife. I think the booklet said she wasn't amused.

Besides his home, the castle was also where he worked. He is known as the Father of Radio Control. You have Hammond to thank for your remote controls for your television and other devices. He did a lot of work for the Department of Defense during WWII.

As a youngster he met Thomas Edison and later Alexander Graham Bell, both became mentors to the young inventor.

This is a list of Hammond's patents. The list stretches from the floor to nearly the ceiling!

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. Wow, he was an amazing man for sure-I think I would agree with his wife bout his gift lol.
    I really enjoyed the tour with all the photos and information-thanks for sharing.
    Happy T Kathy

  2. Wonderful place, so much to see, and that Hammond sounds like he was a fun person to be around, as well as being clever. Happy T Day, Valerie

    1. Hammond was eccentric and a practical joker. You'll see that next week, I think. I'm not sure I would enjoy the joke. 😉

  3. What a fabulous place and I enjoyed the tour! Hammond sounds like a wonderful and fun person to be around, although I reserve the right to change my mind after your last comment ...lol 😀. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. You might want to after you hear what he did to guests who showed up late to dinner.

  4. You have us all hanging on tenterhooks for next week's installment! LOL :)

    1. and the week after that! I took a lot of pictures 😊

  5. What a wonderful view! and I love the stained glass and the delightful garden space.

    1. I'd love to have an indoor garden space though it would take up most of the Dollhouse. 😺

  6. A beautiful courtyard. Oh, that sounds a tad narcissistically with the statue, LOL.
    Interesting man, though!

    1. Yeah, obviously Hammond didn't have an ego problems 😺

  7. I'm still laughing at his gift to his wife. Maybe he should have read that link Kate gave us on gift giving. I doubt it would have helped Hammond, though.

    That pipe organ really impressed me again this week. And those candles. What an incredible courtyard. Gorgeous plants.

    But what interested me the most was all his patents and his outstanding inventions. He may have been a "kook," but he was a BRILLIANT kook!

    Thanks for sharing this second post at Hammond Castle. I knew when I saw the water coming out of those cherubs this would be your T reference this week.

    1. I make up for lack of proper drinks/cups in the next two Tuesday posts. 😺

  8. What a beautiful castle. That courtyard with the plants, statues, and water features are absolutely beautiful! So funny about his nude statue.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. The courtyard would be a lovely feature on a dreary day, especially in Winter.

  9. Wow! Such an amazing place! the pipe organ must be amazing when it starts to play.

  10. She wasn't amused - lol. I don't think I would be either. Wow - the list of patents is incredible.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. That list is amazing to think of the work he pioneered in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. Radio, radio control, television. Years ahead of his time

  11. Another super visit with you to the Hammond castle, the photos all looked great. Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Oh my cod, the patents! He must have been a brilliant man!

    1. Extremely! Hammond was around 12 years old when his father got him a 1 hour meeting with Edison. Edison was so impressed with the youngster, he spent an entire day with him and later became a mentor.

  13. Wow, this place is fantastic. I love what looks like a crypt, but I'm sure there's no body inside of it. (I doubt that would pass local ordinance rules, even back in his time.) His patent list is very impressive. I also like the old electronics. Happy T-Day!

  14. Not only an interesting house but he was somebody, wan't he? I would never have guessed he was such an important inventor. There are plenty of those out there that we don't know about but who added so much to what our lives are isn't there? I hope you had a super T day CJ. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yup, we use his stuff every day, but don't know who he was.

  15. Wow! What an amazing place! I would love to see this in person! :)

    1. Take a trip to Gloucester. As an incentive, Salem is a couple of towns over. 😉

  16. This castle is fantastic CJ !! Thanks so much for sharing those photographs with us, love the organ. I´m impressed by the big list of patents ! Great statue !
    Happy belated T-day !!
    I wish you a very nice thursday,
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. I was surprised his patent list is taller than I am.

  17. He certainly seemed to be eccentric but I did enjoy seeing Hammond Castle! Thats a long list of patents so his eccentricities could be forgiven! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  18. wow interesting guy - ... and those castle photos are pretty cool!

  19. What an amazing place and an extraordinary man! Thank you for such an interesting blogpost.
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. He was brilliant and I never heard about him before.

  20. I especially liked the photograph of the covered courtyard.

    All the best Jan

  21. A wonderful castle! Lovely post. Sorry to be late. Have a great week-end!
