Friday, April 9, 2021

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. Baked Easter goodies and dyed eggs

2. The Eldest got her Easter package earlier than expected. She loved the crocheted Peeps Bunny

3. The store didn't have a bag of black only jelly beans so I bought a bag of soft licorice and some Hershey kisses. 

4. After some Spring cleaning in the morning, I took the afternoon off and watched the remake of The Karate Kid starring Jackie Chan

5. I signed up for another Sacred Art Retreat at Enders Island in October.

How was your week?


  1. I'll take the licorice over chocolate any day. What a great week you had. You are never too old to dye eggs. Love that you did that.

    1. Oh, it's not one over the other. The licorice and the chocolate are eaten together.

    2. Somehow that doesn't sound all that exciting. I may have to give it a try, since I have a bunch of Kisses. All I have to do is find licorice.

  2. If stores had bags of only black jellybeans I would buy them. I always dig them out of the bag because they are really the only ones I like. Glad you signed up for an art retreat since last year not much happened. And sounds like a good week. Hope you have a good weekend too. Enjoy this wonderful weather!

    1. I harvest the black jelly beans out of the bags, too!

  3. Your week sounds good. Yummy licorice and choccie, too. My week was okay on the whole! Enjoy your weekend, Valerie

  4. #3 was bad enough on it's own BUT you eat them TOGETHER????
    🤮🤮🤮🤮 (I have to go lie down now and recover from this.....)

  5. Sacred art retreat - wow, just reading this makes me feel all goose bumps. I would love to join that! Sounds like a good week. Is the black licorice for you or the girls. I always go to Rite Aid to buy the candy that goes on sale for 50 or 75% off. I just got some peanuts butter cup miniatures and twix miniatures yesterday.

    1. Registration is still open. The black licorice is for me

    2. how fun that would be. ...and yes black licorice, a favorite of mine.

  6. My mom loves black licorice! The Retreat sounds amazing! Big Hugs!

  7. Hmmm... licorice! Here it was a good week, too. After 3 years I got a haircut!

  8. Chocolate, please. You can have all the black licorice. I'm glad they're going to be able to have the retreat. I haven't seen the Jackie Chan Karate Kid remake.
