Sunday, October 27, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The scarecrow acts as a weathervane, but it's still creepy when the wind blows so the scarecrow suddenly faces the house.

More solar lantern decorations. Himself cut the bottom out of plastic Jack O'Lantern trick or treat buckets and then then fitted them with a solar path lantern. The top of the lantern looks like a witch's hat.

The Watcher

The Lone Marigold

Brilliant Fall colors. I don't know why everyone travels to Vermont, New Hampshire, and the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts to leaf peep. Colors in our own backyard are just as vivid and beautiful.

Colors and leaves no past peak.

How does your garden grow?


  1. I can imagine the spinning scarecrow could be quite alarming.

    1. One minute he's looking at the street and the next minute he turns around. Very creepy

  2. Very clever of Himself with those solar lights! Well done!

  3. Himself is very clever! Nice decorations!!

  4. All but a couple SunFlowers are pulled up, chopped up and in the trash... Looks rather barren... Lovely Halloween decor CJ! I'm sure the Trick or Treaters will love the light going up the walkway... Your hubby is so clever! We saw some lights on someone's house nearby and the lights look like orange flames waving in the wind... NEED Hugs! deb

    1. We live in a rural community on the main road which has no sidewalks and no street lighting. We haven't gotten trick or treaters in 15 or 20 years. We only got one or two when we first moved in 38 years ago.

  5. calli yur selfee foto iz total lee awesum lee way kewl gorgeouz !!! ♥♥ hope ewe R doin grate and quill ewe two buddy !!! tell yur dad thatz one neat ohh eye dea he came up with ;) !!!!

    1. The Watcher picture is Quill 😉 And Himself saw the Jack O'Lantern lights on Facebook

  6. The scarecrow changing the direction it faced would definitely creep me out.

  7. I live in New Hampshire and colors of gorgeous (or were since they're past peak), but I've also lived in Worcester and the colors are just as great. You are right. Of course right now I have so many leaves sin my yard we had to stop on our way home today and buy a leaf blower. It seems like this year they all fell at the same time.

    1. Seems they are coming down earlier than past years. Most likely from the drought

  8. The garden here is fast becoming covered in falling leaves!!!
    I like your Halloween décor.

    All the best Jan

  9. LOL on facing the house!!! I once had one to keep the fat pigeons from taking the food for the small birds (it was a small one). Sat here and saw movement to the left through the window. Peanut (our wild squirrel) wanted the food also and hit the poor scarecrow so hard!!! Never knew squirrels can get that aggressive! That is my ... balcony.
