Sunday, March 2, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Quill kept an eye on me as I returned from filling the bird feeders

A new month

The ice has melted from the driveway and now it's mud season

A happy Finnegan dances as the snow and ice melt from the front yard

Calli watched me put up the March garden flag

Still a lot of snow on the Tundra

The winds were fierce last week

Some depressing snow flurries as a cold front moves through. Is it July, yet?

Maybe not July, yet, but the days ended with a glorious sunset

How does your garden grow?


  1. Smile- you have a lot less snow than I do. I don't have any bare ground yet. That's a great flag, and I always love how the cats (and at my house the dogs) like to watch what we do out the window. Stay warm today.

    1. I just went outside to fill the front feeders 🥶

  2. Weeds coming up everywhere...uuuughh... We need rain but thankfully there is no rain or the weeds would be coming up worse... We are 80F snow here!!! Hugs! deb

  3. Good to know the 'cat patrol' is on duty and watching out for you! 😊

  4. Aww I do like the cats watching you.
    That sunset is lovely.

    All the best Jan

  5. calli and quill !!! wavez two ewe both frum de land oh trout ♥♥ therz been feerce windz heer az gurl toll me ta look out de window N see if eye spied toto.... ( eye due knot noe who him iz ) sew I said oh kay ??? ~~~~ =^..^=

  6. Getting closer to SPRING!!! Head butts to the kitties!

    - Kim

    1. Spring here is cold and wet. Just not as much snow. So 110 days until the Summer Solstice!
