Friday, March 14, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. From our balcony at the inn, we watched the wind blow lawn chairs across the lawn and the waves whipped into a frenzy

2. We celebrated International Women's Day with a gathering of women. We also had a very nice luncheon.

3. Andy called it. He said Spring arrived. I was dubious until I saw a robin

4. Errands and lunch out.

5. During the Lenten season, we're watching "holy" movies. We started with Ben Hur, Barrabas. Now watching a movie about St. Paul.

How was your week? And Happy Pi Day.


  1. Oh its been a busy week full of yard work AND therefor working the kinks out of the old body still creaky from Winter... weedeating /picking up endless rocks to make more of the yard 'mowable'... and wind .. lets not forget about the WIND... 30 mph today with 60 mph gusts... Eeeek! Needless to say i'm playing inside today... or cleaning inside today as all the yardwork has me behind on housework... lol Your time away sounds so nice... Sending you a ST Patty's day card... it MAY be belated...but the luck still Hugs! deb

  2. I think Andy's right, the birds are doing their annual 'spring-a-thon''s raucous around here! 😂

    1. The birds are congregating at the feeders here.

  3. Wondrous good things. There's something magical about the ocean, isn't there, CJ? Have a fantastic weekend.

    1. Yup, being by the ocean rejuvenates the spirit

  4. PS AND the first spring robins:)

  5. Nice week! May Andy's predictions always be right. lol

    - Kim
