Sunday, March 16, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Outside, the daffodils are starting to pop up

Inside, Himself has taken over the dining room with the hydroponic garden and all sort of things to be planted outside in another month or so.

In the meantime, we share the dining room table with Jack's Bean Stalks,

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

Some other green things

Dirt or pumpkins and squash

Broccoli. Broccoli? Himself doesn't even like Broccoli. Oh, and Eggplant

How does your garden grow?


  1. No space inside, but I got 4 containers yesterday for the seeds for the bees to plant soon!

  2. Your outside garden is ahead of mine which is still snow covered. (but it's definitely melting :) ) And all your husband's plants are exciting. I bought some soil last week and hope to start some plants this week. I love seeing all his seedlings.

  3. WHAT? No zucchini???? 😂😂😂😂

    1. Maybe it's too early to start it? Or I didn't find the cup

  4. HImself's Garden is coming along... :) I'd like to grow a tomato plant for the Girlies this year just so they can come over and pick and eat I made a new post showing what i have growing and some seeds i pilfered.. Have a great Sunday CJ! Hugs! deb

    1. Plant cherry tomatoes for the girlies. That way one bite won't let a big tomato go to waste.

  5. Good gracious, your garden will be full to overflowing. How lovely.

    1. I think he plants too much, but it keeps him off the streets and out of trouble. 😺

  6. Always nice to see daffodils coming through.
    I do think 'Himself' has been very busy, the reward will come later this year!

    All the best Jan
