Friday, March 21, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Friday night fish and chips during Lent started.

2. Daffodil shoots are poking out of the ground

3.  I'm not good at cooking St. Patrick's Day corned beef. At least the Irish soda bread was good. Next year I told Himself we'll have something I can cook like lasagna or ravioli.

4. Calli without too much fuss got her nails clipped. We couldn't find Quill so had to make another appointment for him.

5. After a two week, hiatus, another play day with Teague

How was your week?


  1. LOL! I remember we used to wrap Jinx in a towel , sticking one leg out at a time... what a battle that was for cat and human... I wonder how the professionals do it... ?? Its been a week full of kiddos and wind, Preparing my stuff for the Creative Arts Stock Show Comp... Only 5 entries this year but thats ok i almost didn't do it at all... The art and crafts i made this year really didn't lend themselves to the competition... Take care CJ and have another great week... Hugs! deb

    1. The professional technician comes to the house and does it the same way. She wraps them in a towel or blanket and grabs one leg at a time.

  2. calli N quill…have inn clawz trimmed iz de werst…eye fite de gurl like a lion when her trimz mine…😾‼️🐟💙🍀

    1. Your Gurl is brave. I have someone come to the house

  3. I've never tried cooking corned beef, so kudos to you for trying.

    1. I've done it before, but this year didn't turn out great

  4. I also have daffodils coming up. And happy to get to the end of another week so that I can enjoy a glass of wine on a sunny Friday evening!

  5. Cute pic! And the Irish soda bread sounds interesting. Another study week. At least I seem to get used to it... And ...SUN´s out,, Spring is here, yippeeee

  6. Sounds like a mixed week. Daffodils are a welcome first sign of Spring.

  7. Nice week CJ. I hope the hubby doesn't mind lasagna or other pasta dish in the future. grin. I'm behind because I was on the road yesterday and then had a pre-wedding party I had to attend. I(Doe that sound like it was torture to attend when I write it that way? No, it was fun.)

    1. I told him if he wanted corned beef, he needed to go to a restaurant to get it. There's very little food Himself doesn't like. About the only things he won't eat are broccoli and cauliflower. Pre-wedding party. What a hardship 😉
