Tuesday, March 18, 2025

T Stands for 2OLOTR: Two Old Ladies on the Road - Breakfast at the Beachmere Inn

Even though the days are sunnier, March is off season in Maine. Many of the resorts, hotels, and inns might start opening on the weekends, but a lot of the restaurants are still closed for the season. We stayed at the Beachmere Inn and their restaurant was open. Rather than drive around looking for a place, we decided to just have breakfast at the Beachmere.

A chalkboard on the outside porch wall. Beach. Best Escape Anyone Could Ever Have.

We each ordered French toast. I had mine with blueberry compote. Teague's orange juice is behind my cup of tea. There weren't many guests in the restaurant. There might have been another couple. We had a nice leisurely breakfast.

Back in our room, I was thinking of going for a walk along the Marginal Way, the coastal walking path that winds from this area in Ogunquit to east (I think) to Perkins Cove, a mile and a half away.  The wind was fierce and whipping the waves and sand. After we saw a lawn chair fly by the window, I decided I'd save the walk for another, calmer day.

Surprisingly, the wind didn't knock over the tree made from lobster traps and decorated with buoys and shamrocks.

The geese didn't seem to mind the wind

We puttered around and talked until it was time to go searching for lunch. We ended up driving to Wells, the next town North and stopped at the Bull and Claw. Towards the end of our lunch, the lights flickered off and came back on several times. One of the waitresses quipped it was like working in a disco. Another gust of wind, the lights went off and didn't come back on.

The waitress came over and said there might be a problem with not being able to print out our receipt. I was surprised the restaurant didn't have a backup generator. As it turned out, the waitress had printed out our receipt earlier and we were paying in cash. 

The lights were out on US 1 until we got to the Ogunquit line. Dinner was easy as we both had leftovers from lunch and took them in a doggy bag to heat up in the micro.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. Wycieczka pełna wrażeń. Śniadanie wspaniałe i widoki.

  2. Goodness. The wind must have been nearly as strong there, as it was in Wichita Friday when I went to The Spice Merchant. It blew so hard, I was barely able to stand. I had to lean on the building or I would have blown away, all 103 lbs of ME.

    Your French toast is making me hungry. It looks delicious. Thanks for taking us to Ogunquit and Beachmere for breakfast, along with your tea and Teague's orange juice for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

    1. It was blustery. The wind was blowing the waves out to sea when the tide was coming in!

  3. The wind that day was brutal. Our lights flickered at home, and surprisingly didn't go out. It sounds like you still had a nice get away, but too bad you had to put off your walk. Happy T day.

    1. Hopefully, there will be other walks along the Marginal Way
