Friday, February 23, 2018

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week:

1. The painters finished. They also got took some furniture we had no use for, removed the butcher block top of the broken, portable dishwasher so I could have a macaroni board, moved the dishwasher to the driveway for the scrap metal man, took two of the 3 air conditioners, and removed the threadbare living room and dining room carpets and worn pads

2. The Nephew came to pick up a rocking chair we are no longer using. I baked scones; we had tea and coffee and a nice visit.

3. Skyped a dinner date with The Eldest. She started a new rotation in a different lab department and is loving her new job.

4. Went with friends out to lunch at Longhorn Steak House. (Missed a T Day opportunity 😺)

5. With temperatures close to 70 oF, I enjoyed being outside in shirt-sleeves.

How was your week?


  1. Wow, how lovely to get warmer weather - fabulous! So funny that I was thinking of you and Erika wishing for warmer weather too 😉. Your week sounds great with your house renovations, family visits and I'm so pleased to hear that your eldest is enjoying her new job too 😁. We've had sunny weather this week so lots of walking, although it's still cold here compared to your 70s 😉. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊

    1. The warm weather was actually a two day fluke. Back to seasonal temperatures, but it was lovely while it lasted.

  2. My week has been crazy busy again! I never even went on the computer yesterday, so hopefully I'll have some catch up time with people's blogs tonight. Happy Friday-sounds like your week was very very good. :) I think I need those painters so they can move some things out of my house. Good deal. Happ yFriday-hugs-Erika

    1. You'll have time to catch up while on vacation next week.

  3. I'm glad they got the job done and took some stuff off your hands.
    Yay!happy you got to skype dinner with your daughter:)
    I love time I made cookies and did something weird with the recipe and they came out like scones...absolutely loved them!!can't remember what it was I did though:(
    what?! it's actually cooler here in AZ right now..I hope the warm weather lasts for you.

    1. Warm weather was a record-breaking fluke for February. We're back to cold and snow. )-:

  4. Sounds like a busy but good week. I love the thought of going to a steakhouse, yummy! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Busy and it went by fast. just like the warm weather.

  5. Sounds like it was a wonderful week! Your house is shaping up and The Eldest is settling in! Win/win! :)

  6. All good things! Especially the steakhouse, yum yum!! -

    1. Lunch with friends especially fun as we have not seen each other for quite some time so there was a lot to catch up on.

  7. Happy the painting is finished! Nice of the painters to help you out! So happy your Eldest is loving her new job!
