Saturday, February 10, 2018

The John Wayne Family Cookbook

So those of you following my trips to Pennsylvania, might remember I mentioned finding John Wayne Family Cookbook in the Cracker Barrel store when we stopped for lunch on the first trip to Pennsylvania. We were in a hurry to get back on the road as we still had 8 hours left to travel so I didn't purchase the book on the first trip.

Some of you were curious as to whether I bought the book on the second trip. I forgot to mention the book during my T Stands For Post this past week. As I suspected, the book was still on the rack. I couldn't imagine the book being sold out. Do young people know who John Wayne was?

Anyway, I picked up the book and flipped through it. There were recipes that went along with some of The Duke's movies. Like Donovan's Reef  Key Lime Pie. The book was filled with photos of Wayne on the set of some of his movies. I was disappointed there was nothing from She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, one of my favorite Duke movies.

Quickly, I began to thumb through the book looking for pictures of my all-time, favorite, hero, Richard Widmark. Wayne and Widmark worked in two films together, How The West Was Won (1962) and The Alamo (1960). Nada. Just a picture of the Duke as Davy Crockett from The Alamo and none of his co-stars. Color me disappointed. That and the fact that I thought $25 for the book was a bit steep. I could probably find it cheaper online if  I desperately decide I need to cook like The Duke.. So I put the book back and did not buy it.


  1. I hardly ever pay full price for a book anymore-haven't for a long time. as if you wait long enough one can find good prices online-I collect cookbooks-several years ago I went through them and was able to sell allot of them for a good prices but usually cookbooks are like cars as soon as you buy them the price drops significantly
    I started buying a few cookbooks I want to read that are free or super cheap for my kindle ereader. I bought one the andy griffin cookbook about his mayberry show-was a fun book recipes mostly by aunt bea haha sorry for the long post

  2. What a disappointment that your fave was not in the book. Too bad, and now it's till in the store. Seems like a lot of money for a cookery book. I am sure you will still be cooking up some good stuff over the weekend. Have a good one! Hugs, Valerie

    1. I would have splurged if the favorites were in the book. No cooking today! Himself offered if I would go food shopping with him, we could go out to eat or buy gourmet ready to eat meals at fancy grocery store where he like to buy meat. No cooking? I'm in!

  3. I haven't heard of this cookbook. I agree- that's a lot of cash. Keep your eyes open as it might come up-especially used on Amazon or other places. I buy used books whenever I can because they devalue so quickly why pay full price? Have a great weekend CJ. Loving these slightly warmer temperatures but I need the sun! Hugs-Erika

    1. Yeah, it might show up in the friends of the library book bin for a $1

  4. What a disappointment. At least now I know the answer to my question. SO sad and too high priced for what you were hoping for.

    1. I love The Duke, but the book definitely was overpriced especially for a bit of nostalgic , hero-worship

  5. You're right, CJ. I bet you could get it at a decent price online.
    We grew up on John Wayne movies. I really admired him, he was so larger than life. But he was a man of his time and I find some of his views disappointing. Still love his movies, though:)
    Have a great weekend. And coral that clutter before the painters arrive.

    1. Yeah, have to remember the times The Duke lived in and the attitudes. Corralling clutter is a lot like herding cats.

  6. I'm not sure any of John Wayne's recipes would be worth $25!!!! But maybe that's just me.... ;)

    1. Not a fan of cooking or not a fan of The Duke? =^,.^=

  7. That's too bad CJ! I'm glad you looked through the book, before purchasing it!

    1. Yeah, I was a little disappointed. Obviously, I didn't want the book that badly or I would have dropped the cash :-D

  8. What a fun cookbook and it's too bad that it didn't contain you favourite John Wayne memories 😉. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a great week! J 😊
