Monday, July 15, 2019

Happy Stamps for Happy Mail

Check out the new stamps available at your local (U.S) post office. Ellsworth Kelly stamps. Aren't they great? I love the bright colors and the minimalist design.

I had a discussion with the postal clerk as he was completing the sale. He wanted to know how much art was worth? I said it depends. He asked how much one of these paintings on the stamps would be worth.

Well, since Kelly is no longer with us, probably millions. The clerk looked at me in surprise and shook his head that someone would pay that much for one of these paintings.

Art is so subjective.  Like coconut. Either you love it or hate it.


  1. Great stamps. I like art much more than coconut! Valerie

    1. I bet a lot more people will agree with you :-D

  2. You never realize how much goes into one of these paintings until you try doing one yourself. Subjective, indeed.

    1. Some artists just make it look so easy. And as you said until you try it.

  3. I like the colors, too. But I agree with the clerk's reaction to the price of these paintings. But I'm not a fan of certain types of modern art. I do like other styles of art, and coconut. :-)

    1. Wouldn't it be a boring world if everyone liked the same things.

  4. I'm not sure I'd want one of these hanging on my wall as it wouldn't match my house decor in the least (smile), but they are very cool stamps and I wouldn't mind owning one as it would be a great investment. Happy Monday. hugs-Erika

    1. You could always loan your painting to a museum. You wouldn’t have to worry that the painting didn’t match your decor. Like having your coconut and eating it, too.

  5. Cool stamps! Love your analogy, 'art is like coconut, you either love it or hate it'. THAT needs to be a poster! :D

  6. Sign me up for coconut -and also I'll take one of those paintings if anybody's handing them out ;) The stamps will be as close as I come, I'm afraid.

  7. Cool stamps, but subjective or not, I would not pay millions LOL! Have a great week, CJ! :-)

    1. Thank you, my lady. I hope you have a good week ,too.

  8. I love these stamps! You are so right about art CJ!!! Either you're going to love it, or hate it! Big Hugs!

  9. Never heard of the artist but I like those stamps.

    1. I wouldn't have known who Ellsworth Kelly was either, except WAM where I work has a couple of his paintings in the Art Since the Mid -20th c. Gallery

  10. cool stamps art pieces always appeals to someone out there lol I am not big on modern like this but love the stamps haha

  11. The stamps look good - so colourful.

    All the best Jan
