Tuesday, July 23, 2019

T Stands for New Way to Brew Loose Tea for One

I love gadgets so when I saw this infuser teacup by Magisso, I had to get one.

The ingenuity of the cup is it doesn't have a flat bottom. Insert the infuser screen, tilt the cup forward to the low end, and add your tea. One for me, and one for the cup.

Pour your hot water over the tea leaves and allow to steep. The is the Portland blend that Alesia gave to me. It suggests letting the tea steep for 3 to 4 minutes. CJ hums the Jeopardy theme. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Do, do do do, dit, do, do, do, do. do. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Dit, do, do, do, do, do, dum.

Tilt the cup to the high end and remove the infuser, You probably can leave the infuser in, but I'm one of those people who don't like to leave the teabag in my cup and drink the tea. So infuser out.

Now the tea is ready to be sweetened. One squirt of liquid Stevia, please. Normally, I would also add a splash of milk, cream, half n half, coconut or almond milk, but this blend has some raspberry in it and I thought the raspberry might curdle the milk. Sip.

While I love the kitty infuser, the Magisso cup is a lot easier to clean. Sometimes it's hard to dig out the sodden tea leaves from the kitty's butt.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to celebrate the 6th anniversary of T Day and to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. This sounds like a great idea for tea drinkers, I love practical gadgets that really work. Happy T Day, Valerie

  2. I have never seen an infuser like this one. I looks nice and simple and easy to work. And today with the rain and cooler temperatures (hurrah the humidity is gone) I bet that cup of tea is perfect. I am glad to have a rainy day so I can be lazy, even though the rain is just a excuse because I am probably lazy at least part of most days. Smile. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. The cup has a nice bowl shape so you can cup your hands around it. That will be nice with the cooler temps. tonight. And it's not lazy. It's recharging your batteries

  3. 'Digging out the sodden leaves from the kitty's butt'.... thanks for the laugh! You made my day! :D Hope your cuppa was as good as it looks.

    1. Glad I could help :-D And yes, the tea is delicious.

  4. I've never seen an infuser like this, and I've seen (and had) a few lol. Ingenious! Happy T Tuesday :)

  5. Very cool.
    My brother grows his own Stevia.

  6. What a super find - love this cup with the clever infuser! I might just "need" one like this:):) Happy T day!

  7. Well aren't YOU clever! Nice how you like gadgets, and this one seems to be functional, too. I'm also laughing about the kitty's butt. The images it invokes, especially since both boys are sleeping near me right now (in my air conditioned office). Thanks for sharing your clever and new infuser with us for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

    BTW, the candles were for the youngest's birthday, not the T party.

    1. Kitty butt. Brings back memories. =^,.^=

      My bad. Happy Birthday to the youngest.

  8. Ooh! Now, do I hide this from hubby or show him - he is a great lover of loose tea??? (grin!) Happy T day! Chrisx

  9. What a clever gadget. I imagined you humming the Jeopardy Theme and laughed. I like that little cat looking over the rim of the cup. Happy T-Day!

    1. The kitty reflection in the tea is kind of cute, isn't it?

  10. That's a great infuser and I had to smile at you singing the Jeopardy theme tune ...lol 😉. Wishing you a happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  11. It looks a super cup to use and infuse the leaves at the same time, I am grinning at the reference to removing them from the kitty's butt.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Honestly, CJ, you always make me laugh. "It's hard to dig out the sodden tea leaves from the kitty's butt."
    I'm happy you found a tea infuser to eliminate that nasty task.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  13. Thanks for sharing this tea infuser-had not seen it either Love these cool little gadgets

    1. Ma loved all sorts of kitchen gadgets. I think I inherited the gene from her 😺

  14. Great invention. Those little mesh tea infusers that get nasty make terrible tea. Will check this out.

  15. LOL you put it so funny, 'hard to dig out the tea leaves out of kitty's butt!' It just struck my funny bone. :)
    I had a lot of tea gadgets, and got rid of some of them when we moved and I was trying to downsize. But, they see me coming. I will buy a teapot just because it is turquoise! I think that is one I got rid of . It was glass with a turquoise handle. oh, well. I also, have the tea bags, to put loose tea in. But do I ever use them? Takes too much time. Happy Tea Day!

    1. I never heard of tea bags for loose tea. This cup is easy to use, easy to clean. And it comes in aqua which is light turquoise =^,.^=

  16. CJ, you always make me laugh! LOL!
    This gadget does look like a great idea!!
    Big Hugs!

  17. Wow! I've never seen one like this! How nifty!
    I did laugh at your way of expressing yourself!
    Sorry I'm so late in commenting. Life got in the way (as it does),
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. It really is a cool cup. Easy to brew tea and easy to clean. Also has a nice shape to cup your hands around

  18. Many thanks for sharing this tea infuser, I really enjoyed your post here.

    All the best Jan
