Monday, February 21, 2022

By Design or Just My Imagination

I was waiting to pick Himself up after his chemistry lab classes at Worcester Polytechnic Institute were finished. Sitting, waiting, and waiting, I laughed when I saw it. Do you see it? Maybe if you're not from the area or a Geek, you wouldn't make the connection. 

The building was named after Robert Goddard. Goddard graduated WPI in 1908 and was a professor of physics. He is credited with being the "Father of Modern Rocketry" The first to use liquid fuel to launch rockets from the nearby town of Auburn. Do you see it now?

Here's a close up of the light fixture. Doesn't it look like a spaceship? I wonder if this is an architectural design element of the building or just my imagination?


  1. It sure looks like a spaceship to me!

  2. I see it ! I see it! lol Really cool feature!

  3. It's interesting what we see when we are open to it.

  4. It really DOES look like a UFO!!! LOL

  5. ololol I didn't get it until you pointed it out. Love how other people see. I kept looking at the name George with the light fixture hiding the R making it look like a "P" and thinking ..Okay this is silly but I saw "Go PGE" Pacific Gas and Electric our power company out here in California.

    1. Go PGE! Keep the electricity flowing through the storm this week

  6. Seattle's Space Needle For Sure - Hope It Serves Its Purpose - Be Well This Week


  7. LOL
    Yes, it does look like a spaceship.

    All the best Jan

  8. I see it. I wonder if other buildings have this same space craft light or only Goddard Hall. It was a beautiful day. I was down by WPI on the way to go visit my Mom today. Hope you had a good Monday!

    1. Now that Covid restrictions are being lifted, I might be able to check out other buildings on campus.

  9. When I visited the Cosmosphere, I attended a lecture at the Robert Goddard Lab that they set up there. When I saw the word Goddard, that was who I thought of first. However, I sadly didn't get the connection between his name and the "spaceship." Had it looked like a rocket, I might have "got" it.

  10. looks like the jupiter two from the lost in space series !!! way cool... ☺☺♥♥

    AND... Mark Goddard; played Major Don West; the pilot of the jupiter two !! ;)

    1. Yes, just like the Jupiter Two and I forgot about Mark Goddard as Major Don West. My favorite character of the series was the Robot

  11. It is a great design. I see a spaceship too. (The one from Lost In Space?)
