Saturday, December 31, 2022

Fun Facts About the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


In 1976, one of the founding father's of the United States, Benjamin Franklin was designated as the state's official inventor. Franklin was born on Milk St. in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706.

Milk St. is located in the Financial District of Boston. My dad's office was located on Devonshire St. that marks the left hand border of the Financial District.

On this sixth day after Christmas, or seventh day of Christmas depending on your reckoning


  1. Replies
    1. I love how you can have a minor connection to Massachusetts and be named as an official state thing 😺

  2. It's all about the Benjamins, or at least his likeness. Interesting history and great you were able to tie it to your own memories.

    Happy New Year's Eve, dear.

    1. A lot of happy memories visiting the old man's office when I went into town. Because he was a criminal attorney, he didn't like me hanging out at the office because of some of his clients. I knew he'd give me some cash to get rid of me. 😺

  3. He's my favorite president.

    1. Mine, too, but he doesn't come to visit that often

    2. Break away from teaching at WAM and venture out on your own and he'll be spending more time with you-- guaranteed.

  4. Some Fabulous Facts - Way Cool - And The Friday 5 , Would Love To Receive That Knock On The Door - Nothing Better Than Inflicting A Little Pain On DipSh*T Scammers - Bastards

    On That Note, Happy New Years Eve My Friend - Tell Himself That I Said YO


  5. Tennessee should look to y'all's example in more things than this. Happy New Year's Eve!

  6. I'm always annoyed how Pennsylvania gets all the credit for FRanklin when he was born in Boston. Smile.
