Sunday, August 20, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow?

There he goes

The Furry Wallenda at the new bird feeder

The petunias making a come back

The fuchsia is getting tired

Brown-eyed or Black-eyed Susans

A tub of lettuce

The new squirrel baffle

They must be working as we haven't seen Wallenda in days. Unless something happened to him.

Slug trail

Some small bees are enjoying the Goldenrod

Eeek! A spider has made a web, fortunately outside the sunroom window.

A squirrel is back. I don't think this is Wallenda as his fur looks a bit darker. So far, he's been content to forage in the grass for seed.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Charlotte says hi to the web-builder! And Peanut waves over to your Squirrel. Other... nothing does grow here. Basil and mint a bit... what a sad outcome! Nice to see yours :-)

    1. But you have basil for marinara or Caprese salad, and mint to go in your iced tea!

  2. What is a wallenda? Glad your garden is doing well, mine, too. Happy weekend, Valerie

    1. Because the squirrel is so acrobatic, I named him after a famous , daredevil circus family that performed their high wire act usually without a safety net.

  3. Enjoyed seeing the squirrels in your yard. Not so much in mine. Glad the baffle works. Let's hope at least.

    It's been ages since I've seen a slug. They are the worst! Ugh.

    I can't believe you are getting lettuce. It's so hot here, it would have bolted in a day. We set a new heat record yesterday and looks like we will again today.

    1. We don't know if the baffle actually works. The squirrel seems to be content with foraging seeds on the ground. Himself had issues with slugs on one of his plants. No heat records here looks like our hot, hot weather is done for the season. You take care during the heat. I can tell you heat exhaustion isn't fun.

  4. Actually, now that we've finally gotten some rain (our neighborhood seemed to be in a protective bubble for a while,) the 'back forty' is looking so lush the pink flamingos are hidden!

  5. I enjoyed the stroll through your garden. I was gone two days and came back to find the plants gasping for water.

  6. Looking good. My gardens are looking like the roadside. Still blooming but not exactly groomed. :)

  7. Squirrels... Daddy called them "tree rats" and said they should be just as welcome as the ground variety are ;)
