Friday, December 8, 2023

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. After the baby shower, we had dinner at the UxLocale.  Always nice to see Elaine.

2. Texted with the Young One. She had asked for her Christmas stocking to be sent along with a blanket I had made for her. I told her they went out in the mail. Earlier in the week, she told me they were going to look for a wreath, but most likely weren't getting a Christmas tree as not really a lot of room in the apartment. That made me a little sad so I sent a retro- ceramic green tree that runs on batteries. I told her it had been delivered by the mailboxes. They really liked it.

3. While at the grocery store, the elderly, male bagger told me I had pretty, curly hair. Yup, I still got it. Can still turn the heads of the old dudes. 

4. Errands, a late lunch at Uno's. Stopped into Kay Jeweler's at the mall to see if they could fix my watch bracelet. It just needed a pin and they had one in stock. Otherwise, the watch would have had to be sent out for repair which would take a month! The saleswoman took about 10 minutes to fix it and didn't even charge me!

5. I had to cancel Teague Day. At least I didn't bring her a stomach bug or a cold.

How was your week?


  1. A small tree for a small space. Great idea! What a shame you had to cancel :( I hope you're fully recovered by now. I'm glad the repair went well. Yayeee!

    1. I'm feeling better. We rescheduled for Tuesday

  2. Fixing you watch while you waited! A throwback to the 'good ole days' when that was the norm! Glad you had a good week!

    1. I was surprised when she said if they didn't have the link it would take a month!

  3. That little tree is such a great idea... I have Mr and Mrs Santa Clause like that tree that i painted 35 years ago. It has traveled with me over seas and everywhere.. not a chip..'knock on wood' .. Now my granddaughters like to put the little 'bulbs' in it and out and in Sorry to hear Teague day got cancelled... And fixing your watch on the spot!!! You don't see that much these days..
    ~ Suns shining, warm almost 80 today . Golf weather for hubby
    ~Almost done decorating for Christmas...
    ~We're pretty sure Granddaughters will be here for Christmas
    ~We didn't decorate for Christmas last year so this year feels special
    ~Sunday we take a turn for cold weather AND next week predicted rain! Excited... haven't had a reason to wear a sweatshirt yet this season.. Hugs! deb

    1. How exciting getting ready for the littles - CJ

  4. Hurrah for fixed watch and the young one loving her little tree. And bigger hurrah for catching the eye of a bagger, no matter what their age. You had a good week. Yes this week did fly by didn't it

  5. No Matter How Simply Or Benign , I Still Love Your Friday Happening Postings - Happy Saturday My Dear & Tell Himself That I Said YO


  6. I do like that little tree.

    All the best Jan

  7. #3 made me giggle! And a wee bit jealous. Yippeee to your hair!
    Yay to #4!
    Buh to #5.

    Good week here. As in all in all...
