Sunday, December 31, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The New Year's garden flag.

Heavy rains and winds knocked off some of the side and roof panels. I helped Himself re-bungee the roof

Rotrow! Some idjit (moi) didn't take the birdbath apart and store it in the greenhouse. At least it looks like a clean break and might be able to be glued back together.

Nick is in charge of holding the lottery tickets and to bring good luck. (Hopefully, to us)

How does your garden grow?


  1. I hope the new year will be a good one for you. Be happy, healthy and creative. Have fun. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh no about the bird bath. It definitely looks like you can fix it. That wind was pretty brutal the other day. So was the rain. I hope everything else stood up to it, and glad you could fix he greenhouse roof. Have a wonderful start to 204. Happy New Year to you and your family CJ.

    1. That storm was awful. So many people without electricity for a couple of days. We were lucky. We did lose electricity for an hour and only had to fix a couple of the greenhouse panels

  3. Happy 123123! Our garden is a boring place right now.

  4. Our lottery tickets (a Christmas tradition to give the kids scratch offs) were all duds this year. ☹️

    1. Himself got the scratch tickets at the annual gathering. Yup, all duds.

  5. Loving your garden flag! Fingers crossed for the lottery, I hope Nick brings you luck 🤞 . All the best for 2024, wishing you peace, good health and happiness 😊. Hugs, Jo x

  6. You reminded me i need to get my PowerBall tickets... !!! Hugs! deb

  7. I like your New Year Garden Flag :)

    Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and peaceful 2024.

    All the best Jan

  8. Better that it's rain and not snow! Is it Spring yet? - Anne (Cornucopia)
