Friday, December 22, 2023

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week

1. Saturday pizza and movie night. I made pizza for dinner, and Himself, The Eldest, and I watched A Christmas Story and A Christmas Story Story (3 rd movie)

2. I was able to address a few Christmas cards

3. We made it through the storm. Us and another house a block or so away lost electricity for an hour or so. Weird

4. I was able to put up the tree and decorations

5. Wasn't feeling up to an in person visit, but had a virtual couple of hours visit with Teague.

How was your week?


  1. Your tree looks lovely. And Pizza, yum. We went to Pizzeria Roma yesterday for my birthday, also yum.

  2. I'm glad you were able to get your tree up. You sound still a bit wiped out, but hope you are improving. My good was good. Busy with some holiday chores, trying to enjoy them and not get stressed out. Actually, the food shopping list seems to be the stress maker. I don't know why. Have a fantastic holiday as I might not be by tomorrow.

    1. The fatigue has been the worst part of Covid for me. Good excuse not to do things. 😉

  3. We've had a busy week..
    ~ but i did get 3 walks in this week
    ~ Continuing on with Granddaughters afghan.. Need more yarn..
    ~We've had more rain...
    ~Golf Day today
    ~ In a first for us.... We'll be going out for Chinese food on Christmas day... what??? Then we'll celebrate when the kids get here on the 11th of Jan... with our usual traditions..
    Hope your getting better CJ... glad your taking the rest you need.. Hugs! deb

    1. Chinese food on Christmas Day is making me think of the movie The Christmas Story. I love it!

  4. I love the white picket fence around the tree! Fluffy used to like to curl up underneath our tree. She never tried to climb it and only once tried to bat an ornament {so we learned to put them up high enough not to tempt her.} I think she liked the warmth from the lights (I used to put enough lights you could probably see it from space! LOL) Glad you're feeling a bit better. 😊

    1. Ink liked to lie underneath the big tree. There were a few small bells we hung on the lower branches that he liked to ring. He never tried to climb the tree. The fence prevents Calli and Quill from even thinking about jumping up on the table. This is the first year since they arrived that I put breakable ornaments on the tree. So far, so good.

  5. We lived in a house once where we hung the stockings vertically on a door frame. You brought back some memories there :) We watched A Christmas Story yesterday. It's one of The Husband's favorites. I know you'll be happy when your energy level is back up to normal.

    1. A blessing and a curse with the energy level. So much to get done, but forced to just take it easy

  6. I think your tree looks great, and I like the stockings too, so colourful.

    All the best Jan
