Monday, February 5, 2024

Row Your Boat


Sometimes you hit a patch of white water, and all you can do is row your boat and go with the flow.


  1. ya can never go wrong when rowin with LUNCH BRAKE ….
    rite calli and quill ‼️🐟💙😺 yur momz drawin is de best 🐟😺🐟

  2. Staying afloat is an accomplishment itself! 😉

  3. So cute CJ! We are all floating through some rough water here... Hubby came down with whatever the girls and i had.. so he's behind the 8ball so to speak.. We all feel a little better every day.. some days thats not saying much.. Rest and sleep definitely helped us all recover.. lotta sleep going on this past week.. That jumping fish at the top is adorable! Hugs! deb

    1. The best thing you can do is rest. I hope you all feel better soon.

  4. I wish real white water was as cute as your art CJ. I love that kitty rowing the boat.

  5. This is lovely.
    I can remember singing this rhyme when the children were young.

    All the best Jan

  6. This is great fun, I used to sing it with the kids at school!

  7. This is fantastic artwork! I love this. (And I understand what you mean.) - Anne (Cornucopia)
