Friday, February 23, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. I made a crockpot lasagna meal. Lots of leftovers and no cooking for a day or two

2.  I went to mail a package in the afternoon.  My friend, S, was working the counter. She usually works a morning shift so is gone by the afternoon.I had a nice little chat as the post office wasn't too busy. 

3. I was able to get an appointment for Saturday morning for the groomer to come to the house to do the kitties' nails.

4. For Valentine's Day, Himself had ordered me a garden stake of a kitty and a bell. The company sent temple bells instead. Himself called the company. They are sending the kitty and we can keep the temple bells.

5. I had a nice, long chat with my SIL about her new granddaughter

How was your week?


  1. Kitty AND bells, great - enjoy! Hugs, Valerie

    1. It should make a fun addition to the Zensical Garden

  2. Nice! Love the kitty garden stake - very cute!!

  3. Oh yes, and the crockpot lasagna meal sounds delicious!

    1. Very easy to throw together. My kind of cooking. Lazy and delicious

  4. Your hubby does spoil you CJ. That's great. My week was mostly good, except the hubby being in the hospital for a night. But he is on the improve so the one night away wasn't a big deal in the end. It ended up being 46 at my house this afternoon. :) How about yours?

  5. Lasagna and nice chats sounds great. Here quite a mix, spiderbite > doctor, at least he could help! I hope!

  6. Crockpot lasagne meal sounds good.

    All the best Jan

    1. It's delicious. All the flavors of lasagna but without the work
