Friday, February 2, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. With the storm, the Eldest stayed overnight at a hotel near the hospital so she could work her shifts. There are no holidays or snow days when you work in a hospital.

2. I texted with the Young One. She really enjoyed the Twining's Gingerbread Joy tea I sent to her

3. I had to pick up some paperwork for an upcoming appointment. The birds ate my bread crumbs so it took me several minutes to find my way back to the main lobby.

4. On our way home from errands, Himself and I saw Santa riding a bicycle along Rte. 9 in Westboro!

5. I think I saw another bluebird at the mealworm feeder!

How was your week?


  1. Fun post! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  2. Before you know it you'll have more bluebirds at the meale worm feeder. Mine emptied out when I was gone and I didn't see any yesterday so I hope I haven't lost them

    1. I've only seen 2 bluebirds at the feeder. Maybe it's just the same one, but I saw other birds eating the mealworms. A flicker stopped by and enjoyed the mealworm snacks.

  3. Santa? Now there's an encouraging thought :)

    1. Hand to Gawd, he was riding a bicycle. Himself saw him, too, so it had to be Santa. Pretty fun.

  4. Re: #1 Or when you work for the big communications company! (Not such a bad thing considering all the other perks though....)

    1. I'm not sure she gets a ton of percs from the hospital, but it is a nice place to work.

  5. calli N quill...we haz jayz....we willna see bloo burd at de
    bathe til spring !!! YEOW !!! :) ♥♥

  6. Sticking my stuffyy nose out from under the covers to say hi... We've ALL been down with a respiratory bug for week... Hubby is the latest to succumb to it and i'm at the tail end of it... uuughh... but i'm feeling well enough to wish you a grand weekend! Hugs! deb

  7. Well you had a nice week. Gingerbread Joy Tea sounds goods..and yeah hospitals get no snow days.

    1. The Gingerbread Joy Tea is delicious, but I can only get it from Amazon. No matter what time of the year, the stores don't seem to carry it

  8. Fun to see Santa riding a bicycle :)

    All the best Jan

  9. I chuckled at the Santa on a bike. Brrr! - Anne (Cornucopia)
