Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Whatcha doin?


I didn't think I had anything specific to do today except to teach my online class tonight. The day may have other plans. 

The number 3 key on my keyboard is stuck. I maybe be running out to buy a new keyboard.

Whatcha doin?


  1. I like Logitech keyboards (just an unsolicited recommendation......🤣.)

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I like their stuff, too

  2. The number 3 is a lucky number of mine... along with 2 and 5 and 23 .... hmmm... but maybe not for you... the sun is shining... feeling better by the day... ear still annoyingly plugged.. hubby feeling so bad that he makes us all feel better... sigh.. going to take a walk in the sun today.. Hugs! deb

    1. Poor hubby. I hope he's feeling better. Enjoy your walk in the sunshine.

  3. My keyboard has lots of tabs where the letters have worn off and one tab that has disappeared. Hope you get a new one!

    1. The worn off letters wouldn't bother me so much. The three is jammed. I hope I get a new keyboard, too

  4. It was busy. Allergy shots, lunch with the hubby, a walk and then a last minute invite to the movies. Finally I'm home, but it was a good day. Hope your class went well and if you went computer shopping, you got a good deal.

    1. Whew, I'm exhausted just reading about your day. Class was great. I have a nice group of students so it's fun. I didn't get a chance to get out today so hopefully tomorrow.

  5. If you have air that is canned, I would try that first. It make unstick your key. If not, guess you need a new keyboard. Thankfully they aren't as expensive as a hard drive!!!
