Sunday, February 11, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Harvey is back! With the temperatures being so cold, Harvey hasn't reported outside temperatures or the high and low. I think the battery in the outside monitor device freezes, but it was warm enough this day.

Look at that, a 42! I haven't seen a 42 in quite sometime.

We went out in the afternoon expecting to return after sunset and forgot to turn on the outside lights. No worries. Santa and the Snowmen lit the way for us

Look at the high last Saturday! 53 oF. (12 oC)!

With above normal temps. and some rain, most of the snow is gone from the front yard. Except the little snowball sitting in the front window. Hi, Calli!

The backyard Tundra

No snow on the solar panels, but that will change by Tuesday as a Nor'easter is forecasted. The National Weather Service is predicting 4 to 8 inches of heavy, wet snow for my area. Is it July, yet?


  1. Great picture of your feline snowball 🙂

  2. Nor'easter......ugh....I'll pray for you. ❤️

    1. Send your sunshine and warm temps. Even "your" cold temps are warmer than ours.

  3. Your backyard looks like my whole yard. But wasn't yesterday gorgeous? However, not to be a Debbie Downer, but Tuesday. Well I won't say anything else. Hope you're having a super day.

  4. Got up to 70 here. More snow????Ack.

  5. Aww I like your little snowball Calli sitting in the front window :)

    All the best Jan

  6. We're back to the scorching heat - I enjoy for you, too....
