Sunday, July 28, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Calli keeps an eye on me as I bring the trash out for pickup

A little bunny came out to sunbathe


The hydrangea still going strong

Birthday month all done. Time to take the Birthday flag down

Squash? Cucumber? Some green thing with yellow flowers


Cherry tomatoes

A tub. Calgon, take me away or another planter? Help me, Lord

Milkweed pods

The goldfinches enjoyed the petals of this sunflower

and now can enjoy the petals of this one.

Flowers on the watermelon

The corn is now over 5 feet tall, but it's all stalk and no ears. Oh, well, maybe it will be a Fall decoration.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Wonderful flowers! And happy birthday 🎂🎂 to you!

  2. I like your observation - 'Some green thing with yellow flowers' - it's a wait and see plant, always worth having in the garden.

  3. Love the sunflower.
    My Brother has a big garden, and bunnies, and a cat (Pepper), it was great to visit. But the garden is a lot of work, too, he said. Should´ve taken pics, darn it, but I was just too happy to be with my little Brother again.

    1. Aw, that's so nice you got to visit your brother. Sometimes, you just have to be in the moment

  4. I read today was your birthday, but whatever day it was, I hope it was happy. Or is happy if it is today. So far I've got about 500 green cherry tomatoes (a slight exaggeration) and only had 1 red one. Enjoy yours. And your day. hugs-Erika

    1. Yup, today is my birthday. It's shaping up to be a very good day

  5. Wow! Your garden is thriving! 😊 (we have caterpillars.....)

    1. We have them, too. If you take a look at the sunflower leaves they look like lace because something has gotten at them

  6. Well i say your garden is growing beautifully!!! We've actually had some rain so my SunFlowers are extremely happy but so unfortunately are my weeds....uughh can't Hugs! deb

  7. dont take the flag down just yet :) hope your days great and calli N quill raiz hell just to liven up your day :) ♥♥♥

    N calli, keep an eye on de nayborz two !!!

  8. Have a great trip. I hope you get some great beach time!

  9. Your pics are lovely - especially the first one of your sweet Calli. :-)

    1. She looks very intense. Like I'm the prey 😺

  10. Your garden is still going strong. I am so impressed. My cherry tomatoes are nearly gone. They have quit producing. The dead of summer is here, while yours is still doing so very well. Lovely photo of Calli, too.

    Hope you had a great birthday today, dear.

  11. Everything is melting lol I did find pentas and tick seed at the grocery store, which surprised me
