Thursday, September 26, 2024

Farewell, Summer


From September 2, 2013

I will miss you. Deep sigh. forlorn look. You barely got started after the month of rain.  I'll miss the hazy, hot, and humid days. I'll miss working in the sun room and taking Popsicle breaks. I'll miss evenings in the sun room and how light it was outside even at 9 PM. I'll miss going outside without a jacket. I'll miss island time and the slower pace of days. Until next year.

Is it July, yet?


  1. You have to lose to gain - crisp, frosty mornings, hot chocolate on a cold day, a roaring fire in the evenings, drawing the curtains and shutting out the dark. Each season has its joys.

  2. it's not winter yet-ha ha. Rain today, not snow. I'm like come about January, so I get it. Stay strong CJ.

  3. We need the winter if only to appreciate the summer! 😉

    1. Nah, some of us just appreciate Summer. I hope you are safe from Helene

  4. I see your words are from 2013, but they still seem to apply to you. For me, I welcome fall every year because summer is too hot for me. But I think the climate in Massachusetts is a bit like the Scandinavian climate here in Europe? The bright, warm days are probably more desirable because they are not so hot and the winter is darker, longer... Make your sun picture as big as possible and hang it on the wall, it definitely has the ability to put anyone in a good mood!
    All the best

    1. Summer seems so short. Winter lasts forever. First snow can happen at the end of next month. Not usual, but it can happen. Depressing.

  5. How is Summer already gone? Time flies when you're having fun. Speaking of fun, my husband took care of me greatly last month by getting me a fresh cabinet painting for our kitchen. Right in time for the fall/winter festivities. I loved your blog post, thanks for sharing!

    1. Very cool about updating your cabinets. Thanks for stopping by

  6. I used to hate the coming of winter. But this summer was so over the top hot and dry that I'm thrilled to be heading into fall and look forward to winter. I know that's just sick and wrong;) Sandra

    1. Very wrong. For your punishment, you must write 100 times. It's wrong to look forward to Winter
