Tuesday, September 10, 2024

T Stands for What A Nerve!


I was happy and excited we would be going to Pop's Clam Shack, the little roadside stand we've all heard about from our blog friend, Erika at BioArtGal. The place is closed Summers, Monday through Wednesday. 

Thursday arrived and I was looking forward to fried clams eaten outside. Teague found something online that said Pop's was closed on Thursday. I contacted Erika through Facebook. She said Pop's was open. I checked the hours on the website and waited until they were open and telephoned.

A man answered the phone.

Hi, I was just calling to find out if Pop's is open today.

Nope, we're closed. It's the first day of school. We'll be open tomorrow.

Thanks, and I ended the call. What the HELL! Closed? What a NERVE! What does the first day of school have to do with the price of clams? And I'm going HOME on FRIDAY and Pop's is in the opposite direction. And what about people who don't have kids, don't have kids in school? Why can't they have a fried clam lunch?

Teague told me to calm down as she had a plan B in the works. She said Pop's was okay, but it was just like every other roadside clam shack.

She drove to Alton's Bay across the street from Pop's to Shibley's At The Pier.

After a short wait, we were shown to a corner table with a view of the lake

and a view of Pop's across the street.

Shibley's was a nice restaurant with lots to choose on the menu. I opted for a broiled haddock wrap, sweet potato fries, and an Arnold Palmer. A little too much aioli in the wrap, but it was delicious.

After lunch we walked around the park in Alton Bay.  I was taking a picture of the wolf by the boat ramp when a fella trying to get his boat out of the water warned me, "They bite."

There was a surfer in a wetsuit (the lake temp was getting chilly) and he was e-Foiling, surfing on the lake. It looked like he was flying across the lake like this:

e-Foiling Lake Winnipesauke

Alton Bay Station was a stop on the Boston and Maine railroad back in the day

Alton Bay boasted the first floating bandstand.

After lunch and walking around, we were continuing our adventure with more exploring of the lakes communities in search of ice cream.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page


  1. Pop's will lose custom if it's not careful.
    I love the wolf 🐺

    1. I doubt Pop's will lose customers. It's a very popular place and only open during the Summer tourist season. The place either closed after Labor Day (first Monday of September) or will be closing between now and the second weekend of October.

    2. Oh, and there were other wolves scattered around the park. Their heads moved in the breeze

  2. Did you find ice cream? (Inquiring minds want to know!)

  3. I have no patience with dining places that don’t have to care about their customers. Long line out the door? I’ll go elsewhere.

  4. Sad about Pop´s, really makes no sense...
    Nice you found another good place. And ohhh, the lake!
    Have a happy T-Day,

    1. Yeah, too bad about Pop's. The Lakes Region of New Hampshire is just gorgeous.

  5. maybe all the kids had clams in…. their lunch box and he ran out 😼😼 that is kinda crazed….I worked retail and if a customer came in 10 minutes before closing, the store stayed open, until they left

    1. I don't know what it was about. They were not open on Thursday. Erika had suggested that the help were all high school kids so no one could work that day. Dunno

  6. Pearshapedchris It looks as though you found a good place to sit and that food does look good! Pleased you didn't waste your time! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. The restaurant was very nice and the hostess gave us a nice table with a splendid view

  7. Well, the food 'across the road' also looked really nice, so you didn't lose out I don't think.
    How interesting to see that e-foiler. I looked at the link you provided and I was utterly flabbergasted! Amazing! Must have been great fun.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. We could see the surfer preparing for his ride as we were having lunch. He had several people that were watching. I had never seen anything like that before especially once he stood up on the board, he looked like he was flying across the water.

  8. I don't know if Pop's could have beat that.

  9. I still feel bad that Pop's wasn't open when you went. They should have been open. Who knew they closed the first day of school. Crazy.But I think they do so well that the owner(s) really don't worry about just shutting down. And I bet they lost all their help. It's funny to see photos from my neck of the woods on someone else's post. Hope it was a great T day.

    1. I was so excited to see THE Pop's from your posts. It would have been fun to have lunch there. Maybe next time.

  10. I would have been by earlier, but I ate something yesterday that made me very sick. Now I'm trying to visit around bouts of nausea, etc.

    Shipley's wasn't cheap, but neither was Pops. I did like that you were able to sit indoors and view the lake. Your wrap and fries sound and look good and so does your Arnold Palmer. I was delighted to see the park and water around Alton Bay. Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me for T this Tuesday.

    1. These places are seasonal so have to make their money during the warm weather tourist months. A lot of places will be closing by Indigenous People's Day

  11. thecontemplativecat here. First day of school? Not open? I wish I could find a clam store here in California. Is it an east coast product? In my life on the farm and small town community, store owners are like that. and, if there is a death in the community, the owner put together a tray of food for the families.

    1. Clams are a very big commodity on the New England coast. I'm not sure about the entire East Coast. No fish shacks on the beach in California that sell fish and chips, fried clams, fried scallops?

  12. Did I just dream I left you a comment, or am I delirious?
