Sunday, September 8, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow

The Greenhouse, where the wild things grow


Tired and sad sunflowers

The bees love the goldenrod

Goldenrod and jewelweed

Heath asters

The little sedum the Eldest planted many years ago

We had a few ears of corn for our Labor Day cookout. Tasty, but picked too early. Hopefully, we'll get some proper ears of corn.

Nasturtiums. Supposedly edible. 

The Little Great Pumpkin

Storm clouds moving in

Cherry tomatoes, anyone?

The September garden flag

The leaves are starting to turn

and fall

the faded beauty of the hydrangea

How does your garden grow?


  1. Nasturtium flowers and leaves are all edible - slightly peppery and good in salad. The seeds can be pickled to make Poor Man's Capers.

  2. The 'little great pumpkin' is my fav! 😁

  3. The flowers make me happy. Thank you.

  4. I do like your September garden flag.

    All the best Jan

  5. Your garden and yard look great. Why are all the wildflowers in the greenhouse? You have a lot of produce coming too. It should warm up as this week goes on. It was cold at my house today.

    1. Stuff started growing in the greenhouse and Himself never bothered to weed. He'll have to do that when he closes things up for the Winter
