Friday, September 20, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. A fun phone conversation with my young cousin. Talking to hear is like listening to a soap opera.

2. I had a chat with the Young One about a new project she's working on.

3. A beautiful day, we took a trip to the cemetery to visit my parents. On the way home we stopped for a late breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

4. Teague and I went out to breakfast at The Picket Fence Restaurant in Douglas.

5. Teague had extra individual pineapple upside-down cakes in her freezer. She gave 3 to me to take home. Delicious!

How was you week?


  1. I haven´t been to my parent´s grave in years.
    Yesterday my Mom would´ve had a birthday. My Bro went, brought flowers and sent me a pic.
    I mis-planned. We were to take ALL holidays for this year but they were open for change. I asked to work today last week cause the weather was cold and grey. Certainly today was sunny and warm.
    Our company is in big trouble and when my project is done... scary times. Problems with the taxes on top. So... not such a good week. Hopefully can only get better!
    A bit more like yours!
