Friday, September 13, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Pastina in a little chicken broth best cure for an upset stomach

2. Fun visit with The Brother and SIL at the grand-nephew's 4th birthday party

3. A late afternoon doctor's appointment so Himself called in a take-out order to Harry's. Finally got some fried clams

4.  A visit to the chiropractor. He made me taller!

5. Teague Day. We went for ice cream at J.J's in Upton. I had a cup of German Chocolate Cake. Heaven!

How was your week?


  1. 4th birthday parties are always fun. Little ones being 'sociable' is amusing.

  2. Wow, such a great week! So many yummy food treats too, German chocolate cakes sounds like heaven to me. How wonderful to be taller, I'd like to be taller too 😊. Wishing you a very Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Go to a chiropractor. Tell him to put you on the table and to stretch you! 🤣

  3. Sounds like a great week. I would like to get taller, too, I lost 2 1/2 inches!!! And Ingo won´t get smaller (luckily).
    1. I mastered work despite it was LOUD Monday-Thursday cause the handymen had to rip open the cellar-floor as we needed new tubes for water. We live ground floor.
    And 4 from today and it´s not even lunch time! 2. My friend called (and sent me a pic of her cat and herself), 3. I got a super-nice service-guy who helped with the tax program, 4. I found a Gurri-bottle-cooler in the street, 5. the darn program wouldn´t run, I got another supernice service-guy and have the program open.

    Bad: I must do the taxes (after lunch).

  4. Cocolate cake? I haven't had choccie nor cake for weeks, I miss it! Hugs!

    1. It was German Chocolate Cake ice cream. A chcolate ice cream base, caramel swirl, pieces of chocolate cake, and coconut - CJ

  5. * Making headway on the weedeating... after that huge 10" rain .. everything is growing like gangbusters...
    * Schlosky's is in my future today...
    * Hubs is pretty much all better from whatever cough/congestion thing he had going on
    * Littlest Grandlittle is well on her way to being potty trained..
    * Making progress on the fish i'm painting to hang in the master bath...
    * The windshield on the truck is finally getting fixed today after a buzzard hit it and multiple attempts to getting it fixed..First visit .. wrong windshield... second visit... scratched windshield , third visit... some computer had cancelled our appt... this afternoon is the fourth visit.. It WILL get fixed!!! gggrrrr... Hugs! deb

    1. I hope the 4th time is a charm - CJ

  6. You had a nice week. I had a great week too. The best thing is this weather which is absolutely gorgeous and even cool enough for good sleeping.

    1. Beautiful days and not having to run the AC - CJ
