Sunday, February 2, 2025

Second on the Second - Groundhog Day Craft

 From: Thursday, February 2, 2023

Join me and the millions of preschoolers around the country that celebrate a rodent predicting  666 days left of Winter.

For this craft you will need: scissors, white glue like Elmer's, 5 or 6 cotton balls, an X-acto knife, craft stick, paper to draw a groundhog, pencil, and a 3 oz. (bathroom) paper cup

If you don't want to draw your own groundhog, head over to Clipart Library where you can find a selection of copyright free images to download. You may need to resize the image to 2 in. wide by 3 in. tall. My finished image measured 2 in. by 2.5 in.

I used mixed media paper, watercolor pencils, and a Pigma pen. Cardstock would also be a good paper to either print or draw on.

With your X-acto knife, carefully cut a slit in the bottom of the cup. The cup I used was plastic so I had to cut a notch so the craft stick would slide up straight from the bottom of the cup.

Fluff out the cotton balls and glue them around the top edge (drinking edge) of your cup. The is the snow that surrounds your groundhog's burrow. Set aside to dry.

Draw, color, and cut out or print a clipart groundhog, color, and cut out. I had some googly eyes which I used on my groundhog. 

Glue your groundhog to your craft stick. The ground hog's bottom should be about 1.5 in. from the top of the stick

Insert the craft stick into the top of the cup. Pull the stick through the slot until you can only see the top of your groundhog's head.

Push the stick up and your groundhog is ready to predict whether Winter ends, and there's an early Spring, or if there are still 666 days to the longest month of the year (February). Hint: there are still 666 days left.

I made a little sign for my ground hog to express my feelings about Winter,

I have friends who delight in Winter and snow, and they love to tease me because I do not share the same joy. They gleefully send me memes  such as the one in the image above.

I made another sign for the groundhog and my friends who revel in Winter. Happy Groundhog Day

It's your turn to play. From Elizabeth: Now it's time to share your Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable.  Join hosts Bleubeard and Elizabeth to see what else is being served up the Second Time Around.


  1. Please no shadow, cute guy!
    The quote is wise, though...
    Yupp, maybe I browse though seconds... Maybe I find something.

  2. Ha ha. He is very cute. And that is a true statement in your quote today. Looks like we could a bit more snow tonight. I guess I better get joyful that I might have to do some shoveling again tomorrow. :)

    1. Yup, 1-3 inches predicted for tonight. Temps should climb above freezing so maybe not a lot of shoveling.

  3. These. are fab. You'd better avoid the news about what Phil saw today

  4. I am one of those people that definitely don't like snow (and the cold in general). That is why we moved to Spain.
    Groundhog day is something we don't celebrate in Europe (as far as I know) but I have learnt about it through these blogs.
    Enjoy your Sunday,

    1. With the way this country is going, maybe we should move to Spain.

  5. I think I will go back underground for 6 more weeks.

  6. Really cool craft!!

    Happy Groundhog Day, CJ!

  7. I prefer cold to heat because you can add layers, but not take more off and be able to go out in public. I absolutely adore your groundhog and his burrow. What a fun second look, dear CJ. He is a real cutie.
