Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:me favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (1949) John Wayne, Ben Johnson

If you haven't seen this movie, it's available for rent at YouTube


  1. Don't faint. I actually saw this film way back when! Have a fun weekend, Valerie

  2. Another film I've never seen or even heard of. At least this one's graduated to the color era (TEE HEE).

    1. 😺 The Eldest calls black and white movies, "dog view" supposedly after the fact that dogs can only see in black and white

  3. One of my favorite John Wayne movies
    Happy weekend-

    1. The Duke should have won an Oscar for his performance in this

    2. agree-I always thought they gave him one for true grit I think it was just so he would have an oscar-he should have had some before that

  4. I enjoy a good 'old fashioned' western! :D

    1. They don't get much gooder than this one. 😺

  5. I'm sure this would be good … but I haven't seen it yet!

    All the best Jan

    1. If you like Westerns, you’ll like this one

  6. Familiar name, but no memory of the story. I do like the Duke a lot so I think I need to check this out. Hope you enjoyed this beautiful day.

  7. Hubby is a big John Wayne fan. Thanks for the recommendation:)

  8. Such a great film, I love a good western 😀. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  9. I must have been on lockdown in my room for most of my childhood and teen years - there's so many movies I've never heard about.
