Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:me favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:

The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968) Anthony Quinn, Oskar Werner

If you haven't seen this movies, you can find it to rent on Amazon Prime and YouTube. You may also find a free version on YouTube.


  1. Anthony Quinn was great in this film.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed, though I really like Oskar Werner's performance

  2. Never heard of this one, nor the actors, either. I always feel so foolish when I come here and have no idea about any of these films.

    1. You shouldn't feel foolish. You didn't spend your formative years in front of the electronic babysitter, and most of my movie choices are old movies

  3. Wow, I know this one, I have the book, too! Wonders will never cease!! Happy weekend, Valerie

  4. It's been sooo long since I saw this on TV, maybe back when we still had cable or maybe even before that.

    1. There seemed to be some free versions floating around YouTube

  5. I don't know this one …

    All the best Jan

  6. I don't think I have seen this one but know of it-will check out a free version thanks Happy weekend

  7. oh do you know if this is a true story or fiction? thanks

  8. This book sat on my mother's bookshelf as I grew up. I didn't know it was a movie. I didn't know what it was about so I had to go look it up. Hope you had a nice Saturday! Hugs-Erika

    1. It's a good story and so many good actors in this cast.

  9. another one i need to see some day.
