Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year 2024


Happy New Year! When do you take your Christmas decoration down? When the girlies were little, the decorations stayed up until Three Kings Day, January 6. 

I think I'm going to take everything down today. Just like Ma.


  1. Happy New Year CJ. I hope you have an excellent year ahead. I'm going to take at least some of mine down today too.

  2. Happy New Year, dear CJ! When I had my cats and the dog they usually took the decoratons down for me! I see you have a fence around your tree. Have a good year, I hope we will have some peace in the world, it's all really threatening just now, and I hope and pray things won't explode everywhere. Hugs, Valerie

    1. With the fence up, there's no room for the kitties to jump on the table to investigate the Christmas tree

  3. Happy new year! Each year is so variable as to when the tree comes down, often dependent on how grey and miserable January is. All the cards will be tidied away this week except for late arrivals

    1. Looks like you'll start taking decorations down today. According to the weather widget, it's cold, grey, with a chance of snow for you

    2. The greyer it is, the longer they stay up 🙂

  4. I was always the one to do it.....alone....☹️. I would do it on New Year's Day. It just seemed appropriate. (This year I didn't even make it that far! But putting away a Charlie Brown Christmas tree is easier than taking down a 7 foot tree!)

    1. I'm glad I don't have to take down the 7 ft. tree alone anymore. Hard enough dealing with the 4 ft. tree and the Christmas pageant.

  5. Happy New Year. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  6. The process of taking the decorations down would start right after Christmas... I have a lot of Christmas decor so its a process when i put it up and a process when i take it down.. The tree is usually the last to go up and the last to go down.. This year being a little different with the GrandLittles not arriving until Jan 11 everything will stay put until after they arrive.. Usually the tree and everything is put away shortly after the New Year.. Happy New Year CJ!! We are going out to eat today.. you?Have you shook the dreaded Covid? Hugs! deb

    1. I hope I don't jinx things, but yes, it seems Covid has left the building. Knock wood, three times

  7. Happy 2024, dear CJ. In the past, I have always taken my decorations down on the 26th, but this year I didn't feel like it. They are now safely packed away as they have been for two days.

    I LOVE your genius way you kept the kitties from the tree with that fence. Somehow I am lucky. Neither of my cats climb on furniture.

    1. Ink, even when he was very little, didn't bother the large Christmas tree. He liked to lie under it and there was a couple of unbreakable bells and ornaments that he liked to give a gentle tap. The kitties like to jump and climb up on things. The fence doesn't give them any room to even attempt to get up on that table to investigate the tree.

  8. Hope you and the family have a great new year. I intend for sure to get back to visiting blogs. Seems like starting on the first of the year is a good attempt, lol.

  9. Hi 'CJ' I know I commented on this post!!!
    Blogger does seem to be messing around with comments, am I in spam folder???

    All the best Jan

    PS Happy New Year

    1. Nope, I was just slow getting to approve things
