Thursday, June 28, 2018

Throwback Thursday - The Notebooks

To clear up some confusion, the Notebook passages posted on Throwback Thursday were written by my father and found by me after he passed away. They were his attempt to tell the family history. He was in his late 80s or early 90s when he wrote them. Today's chapter:

Charlie Arnold would time to time wonder what she [ed: Doris] saw in him. Because he didn't think he was that handsome. And his attitude was that there wasn't anyone in the world as good as Doris. He loved her all the way to the end.

Not that they didn't have their arguments. I never heard them. But I could always tell when they were on the outs. He would read his newspaper and he would say, "Oh, Doris, come see this article. It's cute or worth reading." Doris wouldn't come around and would give him the silent treatment. Translated when you are ready to come and apologize.

Even in East Boston when I worked around the house. I would babysit for them or they would ask another girl  whose name I think was "Mary" not your mother to babysit, while we would go to Lynn to a Chinese restaurant. And my introduction to Chinese food which I haven't had for many, many years. I loved it chop suey, etc. [Ed: The reason Dad never had Chinese food after he married Ma was because Ma didn't like Chinese food. When she was little some bright spark told her the food was made with cat meat and it turned her off. She wasn't happy when Charlie and Doris' kids threw a 50th anniversary party at a Chinese restaurant. Probably the same restaurant in Lynn.]

Once we were going to Lynn in his second-hand Oldsmobile. And we were going through a rainstorm. Which let a lot of water come down fast, but let up fast. I sat in the front. Doris was in the back. Suddenly he hit a section of water and it came right up to the windshield.

I commented, "Wow, it took that big puddle like a battleship!" Skip said, "Yeah. Maybe we should go back and try it again."

All this time Doris was quiet. But when he made that statement she knew it would just be like him to do it. So there was a firm voice from the back seat. "Charles." and he said, "I guess not, Joe."


  1. Your dad described the people so well. My neighbour won't eat Chinese food for similar reasons....I love it! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    1. Poor Ma. She never knew what she was missing.

  2. Replies
    1. Charlie was a big kid. We were always cautioned never to say Pass the potatoes as he might lob a baked potato across the dining room. :-D I was tempted to try it, but never did

  3. Isn't it odd how we form opinions as children that never seem to go away. My grandmother was SO afraid of lightening because someone she knew got zapped while washing dishes. She would sit in fear and terror until the lightening passed. For YEARS she transferred that fear to me. Now I have nothing more than a deep respect for it (and know to stay out of the shower during a thunderstorm).

    Great memories today. I know people who also don't think they are "good enough" for their chosen mate.

    1. My grandma (Ma's mother) had the same fear about thunder storms. She would pull her rosary beads from her pocket, cower in a corner, and pray until the storm abated. I never found out what caused her fear.

  4. CJ; it's funny how some people can pick up on others "mood" just by watching their actions /// verbiage with one another.

    I can understand why your mom had an aversion to Chinese food; frankly if I'd heard that, I wouldn't want it either.

    For more than one reason, I'm now a vegetarian, I'll keep my "opinions" about meat and what happens with it....ta mee self ~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

    1. I don't remember who introduced me to Chinese food. I certainly never had it at home. Must have been going out with friends.

  5. Heh. An especially cute last paragraph:)

  6. I found the Chinese food part interesting. My Dad wouldn't eat it either.He had the same feeling as your mom. What people used to believe is always interesting. Still raining here and excited for a nice weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Too bad they wouldn’t at least try. Looks like it is shaping up to be a great week. Good weather for hanging out at the lake or in the sun room/porch

  7. Your poor mom and the Chinese food! LOL! Great story!

    1. Yeah, Ma could never seem to get over the gag reflex.
