Friday, January 11, 2019

The Friday Five Good Things

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels
Five good things that happened this week.

1. Three Medieval Manuscript Sacred Art workshops are being offered on Enders Island this year. I may have to move to the island

2. Happily we can eat at Five Guys and stick with the Keto plan. You get your hamburger as a lettuce wrap instead of bun.

3. Skyped with The Eldest and watched Worst Cooks 

4. The Eldest's town came through the tornado warning without damage.

5. Dinner out at the 99.

How was your week?


  1. Wonderful photo. Your week sounds good. Mine was too full of doctors and hospital to be fun. It can only get better! Valerie

  2. Five guys without a bun? I didn't know this! Thanks!:)

    1. Yes! They will ask you if it is by choice or a food allergy. I heard you can also get it in a bowl which I think would be a less messy eating option

  3. Wonderful news about your daughter's town. Believe me, I KNOW tornadoes.

    I was watching a national news yesterday and there was someone on telling about studies involving the keto diet. Seems lots of celebs are joining in, but the general consensus based on various studies was, if you are on it only because you want to lose weight, you risk developing diabetes, heart attacks, and brain aneurysms. Please be careful, dear.

    1. The Keto Diet was developed some 30 years ago to treat patients with epilepsy. It was also found to have benefits for people with diabetes as it keeps blood sugar from spiking. A side benefit is weight loss.

  4. I'm thinking....trying to name ...okay...
    1. Visit to Big Bear to see the snow (about 30 minutes away)
    2. Grandson put up another Youtube (he's 9 and still such an innocent)
    3. Feral mama is in season again and i was able to scare away a couple of teenage boy cats who no doubt want to stay around while.
    4. My inhouse cook (husband) made a delicious pesto dish.
    5. Yesterday it was warm enough to walk our local lake (two blocks away).

    I enjoyed reading yours. Glad the town came through okay after a tornado. Remminded me that I need to have a call witih my eldest and see how the family is. have a great weekend ahead.

  5. glad the kids are ok, it's too early for tornado warnings ~~~~~ and # one sounds like it would be a BLAST !! :) ♥♥

    1. The workshops on Enders Island are phenomenal.

  6. I think that is so good that you get your hamburger as a lettuce wrap instead of bun:)

    This week seems to have gone by so quickly, but we've had some nice sunny winter days and I have been out for some lovely walk.

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Skipping the bun for a lettuce wrap isn’t as hard as skipping the French fries 🍟 😸

  7. Sounds like a great week! We've been helping out friends this week and as it's been sunny had some nice walks too 😁. Happy weekend! J 😊 x

    1. Helping friends and sunny walks sounds like a very good week, too.

  8. You had a good week. Mine was good too, but I could have skipped the snow and the cold. I think if I said I hibernated all it week it would have been fantastic. Hugs-Erika

    1. We didn't get the snow like you, just the cold. Only 159 days left until the first day of Summer

  9. I am so happy your Eldest's town came through the tornado warning, with no damage! Hamburger on lettuce wrap sounds good!

    1. I was glad to hear her area didn't sustain any damage.
