Friday, January 4, 2019

The Friday Five Good Things.

Five good things that happened this week.

1. I forgot to bring my pillow with me on the trip. I hate the hotel pillows. No matter how fluffy or many there are, the Little Princess can always feel the pea. I was very happy to get home to my own pillow.

2. Saturday, I decided to put off errands just so I wouldn't have to ride in the car.  I had enough car time riding to and from Pennsylvania.

3. The Eldest had left her Keurig coffee maker as there was no room in the car when she moved. She bought another when she arrived. The Keurig was big and took up a lot of room on the counter. Hers also had a water reservoir that was hard to clean. Keurig came out with a new, slim profile machine only 5 inches wide and an easy to access water reservoir. So I bought one to have for company that drinks coffee. I've been using it to heat water for my teabags, too.

4. Skyped with the Eldest when she got home from her shift at the hospital, and we toasted the New Year. I had eggnog and she had a chocolate red wine. The Young One sent us New Year text greetings from Ohio.

5. Himself and I went out to lunch and then to see Aquaman.

How was your week?


  1. Sounds good. I don't know the Keurig coffee maker, I have one from Nespresso. Valerie

    1. I'm guessing they are pretty much the same thing

  2. What a nice week! I'm so mixed up as to what day it is I forgot it was Friday....holidays do that to me! :-/

    1. I woke up this morning not knowing what day of the week it was! :-D

  3. I have to tell you, those Keurigs are a rip off. Sally bought one, then when the 12 pack of pods were gone, she ordered more. They were the wrong size, so she bought a new Keurig to match her pods. She gave me her old one and I used it once. Like your daughter's, it was huge, hard to fill, hard to clean, and didn't fit anywhere on my counter because it takes a three prong plug-in. The closest 3-prong was on my bookcase, which made it impossible to fill unless I took it to the counter. I sent it to the Goodwill, who I suspect found an unsuspecting customer to buy it.

    1. The Eldest never had a problem with Keurig pods not fitting her machine. The pods are expensive, but that's the price for convenience. An adapter would have solved your outlet problem, if you really loved the machine. The Eldest's old Keurig is in the donation box waiting for pick up on Thurs. I'm sure someone will be thrilled with it.

  4. Just read your question about the horses. I'm not sure if that is jade or ivory. Probably jade. I found the sculpture disturbing and you loved it. Art truly IS in the eye of the beholder.

    1. I was amazed by the amount of detail in the sculpture. And the movement of a wild herd of horses.

  5. We've never had a Keurig and just use a different coffeemaker depending on how much coffee we want. I use a pour-over for a single cup, but it does lack that keurig convenience factor.

    Did you like Aquaman? We saw it recently, and the husband and son liked it a lot, but I had issues with thinking scenes were too long and with thinking there was too much character pose, then pause, then continue (if that makes sense). They think I'm nitpicking, and it's hard to argue with that ;)

    1. Overall, I liked it. Something fun to do on a Wed. afternoon. I enjoyed the twist on the sword in the stone myth. As a kid, I thought Aquaman was a bit light in the swim fins, but this movie knocked that thought out of the water. My issue was Mera looking like Ariel, the Little Mermaid. The posturing gave them time to show off Jason Momoa. He is easy on the eyes. And when Manta redisgned the Atlantan supersuit, his helmet reminded me of Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.

    2. Yes, he was pretty, wasn't he! I kept thinking about the Big Bang Theory episode where none of them wanted to be Aquaman lol This ain't the Aquaman they were thinking of :) This will be an Aquaman that plays well in future superhero movies I think, and by then they won't need the static posing.

  6. Great to have the new Keurig, enjoy! Lunch and a film sounds perfect after all the festivities, would you recommend Aquaman? My hubby takes his pillows when we travel too, he sleeps so much better as a result 😁. Your Princess and the Pea reference made me smile, it was always a favourite of mine although I best not call my hubby a princess 😉. Glad you are getting your sleep now and wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊 x

    1. Yes, go see Aquaman. It's entertaining in a super hero kind of way. Just let yourself be willing to suspend the disbelief.

  7. I just read your response about Aquaman. My husband and I went to see it last weekend and I agree with Divers and Sundry. I didn't hate it, I didn't feel like it was a waste of money, and the graphics were quite good, but I didn't love it either. But it's always good to go out with the hubby and have some fun. Sounds like you had a good week. That's an important thing in life! Hugs-Erika

    1. We had a nice date and as you said, that's what's important.

  8. Sounds a good week.
    We enjoyed a family birthday gathering, which was a nice start to January … but I'm already finding the days going far too quickly! Is that a good thing or not? I think as long as I enjoy each day then it can't be bad :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Time flying by quickly if the days are stormy and/or cold is a good thing. Not so much if the days are sunny and warm.

  9. Chocolate red wine? Never heard of that? Did you like Aquaman? I agree about the pillows!! Take Care!

    1. I never heard of the chocolate red wine, either. I did like Aquaman. A good movie to watch for something to do on a dull afternoon.
