Thursday, November 21, 2019

The New Toy

Not that I really wanted a new toy, but when buying from some sites, you need to spend a minimum dollar amount to get free shipping.Gawd forbid you don't get that free shipping. So I poked around the site to see if there was something I needed, wanted, or could use.

What's this?

A mini Buddha board. 5 inches square. The case opens up, and folds back like an easel. There's a small paintbrush, too. You can use any soft brush and water.

You wet the brush in water and then "paint" or doodle on the board. Then the drawing begins to evaporate. The board is clean, and you can start all over again. No paints, no inks, no real mess unless you spill your water container. I got this through Barnes and Noble. There's also a larger 9 inch x 12 inch board, too.

The perfect item to play with while you're on endless hold with customer service.


  1. I used to have a Buddha board. Now I wonder where it went to? But you are right, it is a lot of fun and a good way to kill some time. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Especially if you're not feeling well. Hope you're feeling better

  2. What a fun "toy." But I guess you have to be fast to photograph what you painted, before it vanishes. (And I'm the same way about getting the free shipping. But I think as Christmas gets closer, some places like Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. eliminate the minimum order requirement, to provide free shipping.)

    1. The more water you use, the longer it takes to evaporate.

  3. I'd never heard of this before. Exactly what you need. Perfect for trying out new ideas and sketches, too. I fell last night and hurt my left arm BADLY. Typing with right hand only, so keeping everything short today.

  4. I LOVE your new toy. And yes, free shipping is definitely worth spending more! Valerie

  5. Way cool! I've never heard of this! So I'm blaming YOU for my next Amazon order! LOL ;)

  6. On hold is the perfect time to use one:) Thanks for the great advice!

  7. Ooh, I like your new toy! Going to check it out now.

    1. It comes in two sizes. This is the little one at 5 inches square

  8. I'd never heard of a Buddha board, and my mind goes back to when my kids were young and knowing how much they'd have loved this :)

  9. I'd not heard of these, they do sound good :)

    All the best Jan

  10. oh love it - my sis has one similar.
