Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:me favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:

Mulan (1998) Ming Na Wen, Eddie Murphy

If you haven't seen this movie, it's available for rent from Amazon and YouTube.


  1. I guess I need to rewatch this because although I know I've seen it, I don't remember much about it. My daughter and I are splitting the new Disney+ channel for a year and it is on there- so guess I shall take a peek. Hugs-Erika

    1. This is my favorite Disney from the modern era, although I can do without the singing

  2. Never heard of it, but I like Eddy Murphy and the graphics are pretty cool.

  3. You can always count on Disney for a good story! :)

  4. Happy Winter Solstice!!

    P.S. Wish I Could Commit And List Favorite Movies But That Is An Impossible Task For Me. I Am Unable Top Rate My Top 5 Mel Books Films Let Alone Top All-Time. My List Would Surly Change Hourly As I Ponder The Classics.

    1. Happy Yule! I didn’t stop at just10. My favorites list is well over 100

  5. I've heard of it, but never saw it. Have a nice weekend, Valerie

    1. It’s one of Disney’s better ones in regards story and animation

  6. Yeah, I'm not generally a Disney fan and didn't see this when it came out. It made a big hit, though, as I recall.

    1. Yup, and nice to see a strong female who could take care of herself and didn’t need to wait for a prince to rescue her

  7. I am not familiar with this one.
    Happy Saturday

  8. I have heard of this film but not watched it!

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. I think I might've seen this a long time ago and liked it. Eddie Murphy movies are usually good.
