Friday, December 6, 2019

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. We took the annual trip to the cemetery to put a Christmas wreath at my parent's grave and stopped for breakfast on the way home at Cracker Barrel

2. Himself bought me new buckets for storm prep that match the bathroom.

3. Spent the weekend preparing for the storm and putting the Christmas curtains up.

4. Himself''s college cancelled day classes for the second snowstorm.

5. Being housebound because of the weather was the perfect excuse to decorate the house for Christmas.

How was your week?


  1. Sounds good, and great that you got time to decorate. Thanks to the rain toda I am managing to do some housew**k....

    1. 😺Well, it has to be done. Maybe it will clear and you can get out for your walk

  2. A productive week is a good week:) Nice that it ended with an opportunity to enjoy those beautiful Christmas decorations!
    All was good here, too. Also prepping for winter.

  3. Wow, your house looks beautifully festive 😁. I'm loving your winter curtains with the red cardinals - perfect! I hope the snow melts quickly for you. Sarah warm and wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. It's supposed to warm up a little this weekend with rain so I hope a lot of the snow melts. I've had enough for the season.

  4. Always a silver lining! :D The house looks great!

  5. I LOVE your tabletop tree. I may have to see about investing in one of those. Glad you were able to get your decorations ready, even if it did mean you had to stay home due to the storm. The princess doesn't need to be out in this mess your got. I hope it wasn't as bad as they predicted. Basically, you had a good week!

    1. If you do look for a small tree (I think mine is 4 ft.) start early before the Christmas season. Either the retailers don't order a lot of small trees or all us old folks are down-sizing and scooping them up.

  6. I love your tree and its placement in front of the window. So pretty! Buckets for storm prep?

    1. I live in a rural area and have a well. If the electricity goes out, there is no water to flush a toilet as the well pump needs electricity to run. So I fill up eight 2 gallon buckets of water to be able to flush the toilet when absolutely necessary. TMI? 😺

  7. beautiful pic of the room - love it. sounds like a good week and nice thing to take a wreath for your parents.

    1. We visit the cemetery twice a year. In July around their anniversary (4th) or Ma's birthday in September. Then just after Thanksgiving to bring a wreath before the snows fly

  8. Your Christmas decorations look nice. Good idea to take advantage of being housebound due to the storm, to get that done. (I might put my stuff up this weekend.) Putting a Christmas wreath at your parents' grave sounds like a great tradition to have.

    1. It's supposed to be cold today might be good to stay inside and decorate. Get Teddy to help you.

  9. I did the same thing during the storm. But I still have some decorating to do, hopefully tomorrow. I wonder how much of the snow we'll lose with all the rain and warmth coming in? Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  10. Doesn't sound a bad week :)
    Pleased you were able to do your decorations … that's what we have done this weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was a good week and decorating during the storm was a good distraction

  11. Your house made me smile! Thank you CJ!
